Show your new Doll!
Not sure where to post this, but shipments of Nana-chan are now going out. I just got an in-the-mail-now notification for mine (on pre-order.)

@PullipPrincess Thanks! I'm really proud of her. smile
Beautiful new dolls Abby! Congrats! smile
♡ Pullip & friends, Sylvanian Families, Mini Lalaloopsy's, Monster High, Novi Stars, Zelfs, Kawaii Crush, Ever After High ♡
Wauw Abby, Santa really found your house!! grin Congratulations on all the new dollies!
They look amazing! You've given them so much more character allready wink!
[Image: 16152755741_2441f1e716.jpg]
My adorable Byul Sucre arrived today... But there was another box from Mike which confused me...

[Image: 10914236_349572065243079_1972405497_n_zps03bbd3be.jpg]

It turns out my boyfriend decided to buy me 2 dolls for Christmas without asking me which ones to get, and he picked extremely well to be honest ! I'm sooOOoo happy I got Nana-Chan Heart I'd actually put some money aside over the past few months to get her in February. I already have JouJou, but he said he thought she had the "cutest weird face of them all" haha LOL There's nothing wrong with twin Dals, right? *please enable me*

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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Congrats, Chihiro! that is really sweet of your boyfriend. smile
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
(01-09-2015, 02:34 AM)KiraKira Wrote: Congrats, Chihiro! that is really sweet of your boyfriend. smile

Thanks Shaan Happy
It seems there's quite a few lucky members with sweet partners or family members who like to surprise us dolly lovers !

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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Aww, Chihiro, that's great! I'm so happy for you!

And nothing wrong with twins. [;
I think JouJou is great! The more the merrier! Haha.
Congrats Chihiro! What a lovely and sweet surprise! smile
♡ Pullip & friends, Sylvanian Families, Mini Lalaloopsy's, Monster High, Novi Stars, Zelfs, Kawaii Crush, Ever After High ♡
(01-09-2015, 02:25 AM)Chihiro Wrote: There's nothing wrong with twin Dals, right? *please enable me*
There are plenty of things RIGHT with twin Dals!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Ah~! Chihiro!!! You're so lucky to have gotten Nana-Chan AND Joujou! <3 I hope to get those two someday. ^.^ They're adorable! And I really actually like the idea of twin dolls. smile I think it's cute!
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

My newest girl, a re-wigged Kore. Her name is Seven. Well, she is a fae creature, and in her native language her name means "flower with seven petals". Her native language sounds like the chattering of a flock of birds, so it's quite different to transliterate!

[Image: 2jbsbvd.jpg]

[Image: 10zmjyr.jpg]

[Image: 300xkq1.jpg]
She came, she came, she came!
Everyone's Nanas are rolling in, and mine finally arrived! She's so special to me! I never thought in a million years my mother would come around and see Pullips the way I do, so for her to get me Nana-chan for Christmas was a huge deal!

[Image: 2r7n77m.jpg]

Anyway, I've decided to name her Nelipot, because of her aversion towards shoes. I'll never make her wear them. [;
Thanks for the enable-ism gals ! LOL Heart

Yay for new dollies~ Congratz Severity smile And an extra YAY for more Nana-Chans !! grin grin xp

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

>> Click to add me on Flickr <<
>> Click to add me on Tumblr <<

Severity, what a beautiful and creative back story! I love it! Congrats on your new girl. (:

And yes, Chihiro! Nana-chans all around!!!
Nana-chan will be my next! Possibly next month. grin oh she is so pretty!

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