Blythecon Chicago - Autumn 2015
I just heard word that Blythecon is moving from Orlando to Chicago in 2015. While I really wanted to go to Orlando (Dolls! Disney World!), Chicago is certainly a familiar place for us Pullip fans... wink

I'll try to keep this thread updated as the details are worked out. I hope to go to this event, and I hope others will be there as well. In the meantime, you can follow the event planning in this Facebook group:

From Jen Jaybug (5/4/2014):
Quote:Chicago Blythecon 2015 is Official. Sammy Erin Novosedlik is our lead organizer. We are leaning towards September for the event. Fall 2015. Venue options have begun to be explored and research is being done! We have a wonderful group of co-organizers helping with the bones right now but will need more volunteers as things progress so everyone's generous offers of help will soon be addressed. There is a place for everyone who wants to help. No one will be left out. The theme is going to be: Chicago Carnival in the Roaring 20's. You will love Navy Pier, the views, the food, the architecture, the lake and all the Windy City has to offer. As more info comes this page will be updated! Everyone's support and positive feedback is amazing!
[Image: 12367494213_3f89d3a0da.jpg]
Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
I would love to go to Blythecon! I'm happy to hear that it will be within driving distance from me. Hopefully by then I'll have a Blythe that I've bonded with!
Penelope (Nero), Esme (Papin), Payton (Celsiy), Shelby (Lizbel), Mason (Neo Noir), Aggie (Mercu), Cricket (Heiwa), Lucian (Ni-Ya), Theo (Rayne), Daisy (Dumbo), Iggy (Fanatica), Willow (China China)
My Flickr
A little bit behind the times here, but, wow! Thanks for sharing the info, pixachii smile
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
Hey there, I've been out of the loop for awhile, does anyone know if there's any more news on this?
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
Yes. It will be October 18 at the Bridgeport Art Center.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Thanks True! I didn't see anything on BK about it though? Do you know if there's somewhere to find out more info/register, if I didn't already miss it?
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
Here you go!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
So, who is going? I'd like to, but I'd rather not stay in the hotel downtown. Hoping to find someplace to stay overnight in the Chicago area and commute.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Oh snap for real!? That's so awesome!! grin
[Image: tumblr_inline_mkabdkqtZy1qz4rgp.gif]
[Image: tumblr_inline_mkqs3iREEM1qz4rgp.gif][Image: tumblr_lz71cpesVQ1r7y61oo1_250.gif][Image: tumblr_inline_mkqs3iREEM1qz4rgp.gif]

Me me me! I am not exactly close to the city though, Google estimates about an hour and ten from my place to the convention... But you're welcome to stay here, True! If you find someone closer though, I won't be offended smile
[thread=7254515]My feedback[/thread]
(02-20-2015, 10:26 AM)Tinnu Wrote: Me me me! I am not exactly close to the city though, Google estimates about an hour and ten from my place to the convention... But you're welcome to stay here, True! If you find someone closer though, I won't be offended smile
Thanks, that is awfully nice of you! I will keep that in mind as we get closer to the event.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
OK, bought my golden ticket. Who else is going?
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
I'm very tempted to go just to see what it's like compared to PUDDLE. I'm a little scared of just how many vendors with awesome stuff that I must have might be there.
Yes, I'm a little nervous about the potential cash outlay too! And the main reason I want to go is to see if I can pick up any tips to improve PUDDLE.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.

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