Show your new Doll!
Jencut, I completely adore your new custom Pere Noel! She's just too cute for words! x3

Cornflower Blue - Congratulations on Moon! :3 I love her pink hair!

I got two new girls for my birthday! Technically, my birthday is on May 14th, but my brother and husband felt bad for me because I've been in a lot of pain due to having my wisdom teeth extracted, so they let me open them early! yay

[Image: Yurika%20Box_zpsbjusz0fc.jpg]
My brother got me Prupate, who I've named Yurika!

[Image: Iris%20Box_zpsla8ecuiw.jpg]
And my husband got me Io, who I've decided to call Iris! yay
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Gorgeous girls Heart Prupate was such a pleasant surprise for me, she's amazing in person !

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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@Princess - GORGEOUS!! Both of these girls are on my wishlist, they are just so pretty! Heart lucky you, it's lovely to hear you're being spoiled after having your wisdom teeth out (ouch!) smile

@Cornflower - congrats! Such a cool doll, love the photo with the leopard print!
Sixpence & Song

(Custom Blythe & Custom Pullip)
(05-08-2015, 01:34 AM)Chihiro Wrote: Gorgeous girls Heart Prupate was such a pleasant surprise for me, she's amazing in person !

Thanks~! yay I agree, when I first saw Prupate's photos, I wasn't very impressed with her and didn't think I would want her, but then I saw her in doll review videos on youtube and started to realize how pretty she actually was! And now, after seeing her in person, I think she's even prettier than in the videos that I saw! <3

(05-08-2015, 03:08 AM)Jencut Wrote: @Princess - GORGEOUS!! Both of these girls are on my wishlist, they are just so pretty! Heart lucky you, it's lovely to hear you're being spoiled after having your wisdom teeth out (ouch!) smile

@Cornflower - congrats! Such a cool doll, love the photo with the leopard print!

Thank you so much, Jencut! yay If you plan on getting them for yourself, you won't be disappointed! They're lovelier than I could have ever imagined them to be! smile And I really do feel quite lucky for them! I can't stop smiling over them despite the pain! xD
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Congratulations on all the new dollies!!

I love Io she is so pretty, Princess! yay I wish my brother bought me dolls for my birthday! Never gonna happen Tongue

Wauw Jen- Your Pere Noel is a beauty! I love the wig and eyechips! They suite her so well!! Heart
[Image: 16152755741_2441f1e716.jpg]
I love Io. You don't see her very much.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
(05-08-2015, 11:25 PM)Chyntia Wrote: Congratulations on all the new dollies!!

I love Io she is so pretty, Princess! yay I wish my brother bought me dolls for my birthday! Never gonna happen Tongue

Wauw Jen- Your Pere Noel is a beauty! I love the wig and eyechips! They suite her so well!! Heart

Thank you~! yay Lols! I do feel pretty lucky that my brother seems to like my dolls well enough that he is actually willing to help contribute to my collection whenever the occasion arises. LOL

(05-08-2015, 11:42 PM)TrueFan Wrote: I love Io. You don't see her very much.

That's true, she does seem to not as popular as some releases, which is a shame, because she really does have such a pretty face! She's beautiful as is, and I think she would also look amazing in other wigs and outfits, too, so it's sort of hard for me to believe that she gets overlooked so often! It's nice to see that there seems to be a lot of people who love her here, though! :3
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

[Image: 16933378014_a115566c2d_z.jpg]
Once more for Elenore by Aien, on Flickr

My new girl Elenore! I got her in Paris at the Jolie Doll store, which is just so amazing. So many cute pullip things <3
~*~ What dreams did you chase to get to this place? ~*~
Ugh I really should stop telling myself to get Laura... But that stock is amazing ! Congratz on finding her in Paris, I'd love to be able to physically buy a doll from a shop LOLLOL I'll have to drop in next time I visit Paris !

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

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[Image: 2vt9tw9.jpg]

Technically only the little one is new: she's an Ai Doll Lupinus :3
I didn't even realize when I ordered her that her hair would match her future dad's wig perfectly (well the highlights, anyway!)
Aienhime, I love that picture of your Laura! She looks so pretty! <3

Severity, that's so cute!
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Congrats Severity what a little cutie! My new girl arrived today Heart *sigh* she's just so purdy!

[Image: E1_zpsiedgmldb.jpg]
Sixpence & Song

(Custom Blythe & Custom Pullip)
Congratulations, Jencut! x3 She's gorgeous and I never realized what a pretty outfit she has before! :O I always sort of overlooked it. ^^;
[Image: PAA_zpsf228551a.png]
~Parfait (Dal Heart Macaron), Alice (Pullip Alice du Jardin), and Amethyst (Custom MIO Pullip), my most special dolls <3~

*Sprites made by me*

Congratz Jen!! She is gorgeously wicked wink
[Image: 16152755741_2441f1e716.jpg]
Sanguine came in today. Here's a quick shot with her full stock sister.
[Image: 17685745050_30a4dec134_z.jpg]Vampiric Twins by Kathryn Dodd, on Flickr
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