Ai Doll Info and Appreciation Thread
Wonderful!! smile Thank you so much for sharing! smile
Sewing measurements (by OffGemini on Flickr.)

[Image: 21194787602_f740ee194f.jpg]Ai vs obitsu 11cm body measurements by goche moche, on Flickr
Does anyone happen to know what color Bee Balm's stock eyes are?

I'm not sure that mine has her original eyes in, and I need to know her eye color for the doll wiki...
(09-23-2015, 06:22 AM)fishy Wrote: Does anyone happen to know what color Bee Balm's stock eyes are?

I'm not sure that mine has her original eyes in, and I need to know her eye color for the doll wiki...

I picked up a Bee Balm at TM today (she's set aside for Christmas, though), and I can confirm that her stock eyes are green.
(09-25-2015, 09:26 AM)elderham Wrote:
(09-23-2015, 06:22 AM)fishy Wrote: Does anyone happen to know what color Bee Balm's stock eyes are?

I'm not sure that mine has her original eyes in, and I need to know her eye color for the doll wiki...

I picked up a Bee Balm at TM today (she's set aside for Christmas, though), and I can confirm that her stock eyes are green.

Thank you! smile
Can someone who has Ai Doll Leucocoryne confirm whether or not he has freckles? In the big version of his promo poster thing, it looks like he might.
I found a promo from when they introduced the new face:

 photo aidolls_beebalm7.jpg

Apparently there *were* three face types initially, and it said so on some of the official data I've seen (can't remember where, sorry!) which led to the confusion.

For lack of better/official terms, I've just been calling the half-open-eyes mold "fox eyes," after Tsubaki. Interestingly enough, only animal-themed Ai Dolls have this mold.

BTW I'm looking for more official square full-page promo images for some of the early Ai Dolls that don't have them yet (see thumbnails.) It's possible that none exist, but if you happen to have any they'd be welcome (we'll credit you!)
(09-26-2015, 05:38 AM)fishy Wrote: Can someone who has Ai Doll Leucocoryne confirm whether or not he has freckles? In the big version of his promo poster thing, it looks like he might.
Yes he does! A close crop of one of my photos.
[Image: 21528223550_9582e5eaf3_z.jpg]
(09-26-2015, 10:30 AM)Cornflower Blue Wrote:
(09-26-2015, 05:38 AM)fishy Wrote: Can someone who has Ai Doll Leucocoryne confirm whether or not he has freckles? In the big version of his promo poster thing, it looks like he might.
Yes he does! A close crop of one of my photos.
[Image: 21528223550_9582e5eaf3_z.jpg]

Oh, thanks so much!! smile Would it be okay for to to embed that on his page, with a link back and credit? :?
I've just been looking through your Wiki page fishy smile There are so many of these little darlings I have never seen before. Do you know if TM has had/might get all of them or only the oldest?
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(09-26-2015, 10:51 AM)Miss Edith Wrote: I've just been looking through your Wiki page fishy smile There are so many of these little darlings I have never seen before. Do you know if TM has had/might get all of them or only the oldest?

I'm only about halfway through them.

I believe that TM's been getting most if then except for the latest. I've personally seen a Nierembergia in our local store, and according to Hina Ichigo's Release List (which I've been using as a source checklist and number/release date/MRSP checklist for the new wiki) he was a pretty late release. (Believe it or not, even though he was a pirate, I didn't buy him... >__< Someone else must've. It was a poor month.)
yes I used Hina's list to get my newest wish list {huge sigh} the newest 4 on there are available at PS right now, the newest not at PS is Primula.

I shall have to start trolling the TM threads for more dolls upside down

I'm sorry you couldn't get your pirate boy sad I know poor months all too well slash
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(09-26-2015, 10:35 AM)fishy Wrote: ...
Oh, thanks so much!! smile Would it be okay for to to embed that on his page, with a link back and credit? :?
Sure, go right ahead!
Not mine, but sharing this "Ai enabling" video smile
Ohmy, I want a few Tongue
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

I've found some evidence that there may be a 5th face sculpt type, with pursed lips:

It's mentioned in the promo for Ai Doll Blue Elfin, which is a very late release, and it's much later than the last new sculpt announcement (with Bee Balm) :

Thoughts? :?

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