Show your new Doll!
Thanks for the photo of your new Catwoman, Cornflower Blue! There aren't many photos of her out of her suit. My Catwoman is on her way and seeing your photo helps with the wait!
Glad to assist! Be prepared, her wig is rather crunchy.

[Image: 27216129234_df6a535ddf_z.jpg]
Isul Glen came with her from Groove's sample sale, along with the wrong Ai doll.
Today my package from Yahoo Japan finally arrived (the usps website told me a delivery attempt had been made, but there was no orange slip: I finally found the orange slip sneaking through the mailbox that goes to the currently vacant apartment upstairs)

Anyway I got Panda!
[Image: 301kjh1.jpg]

She's right up there with Moon and Oren in the "classic dolls with pink hair I never thought I'd have a chance to own"; I found Panda on yahoo Japan with a buy it now of less than $30, she was missing the outfit under the suit and the glasses but otherwise she's in pretty great shape and I'm really happy!

[Image: 1628bog.jpg]

I also got this floating head (I have since learned it is Asuka) and an eyemech to go with it. I'm going to do a big project with her; I'm going to repaint her eyelids, make her eyechips (my best friend and I are going to do an eyechip making project soon). I'm thinking of getting her a pure neemo body grin

I don't have names for either of them yet, we'll wait and see...
Love that eyeliner on the Asuka head!
Congrats on both of the new girls, Severity!
Congrats, Panda is my second favorite Pullip.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
This is the nude, bald Cavalie I bought from Fishy a couple months ago. He finally got a wig (and some clothes). I've named him Calvin.

[img][Image: 28077941631_2af2cf3ec4.jpg]Cal1 by tisue999, on Flickr[/img]
congrats on both cute girls severity, apaprently i didnt see them before

cavalie/ calvin looks very handsome smile congrats.
Congrats on Calvin the Cavalie, dargosmydaddy! His purple eyes are so dreamy.
Oh wow, Congratulations!! Calvin has such a gorgeous face!! I can't wait to see what you are going to do with him smile
So excited to get this girl!

[Image: 10i8d1x.jpg]

Her original name was Hoshi, but since one of my cats got dibs on that name, she needed a new one. I'm thinking Cassiopeia, Pia for short grin
Congrats everyone on the new dolls. And, just wow -- Cassiopeia is gorgeous!! Where did you get her?
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Pia is stunning! That wig! I hope you post lots of pictures of her because I love looking at her already. smile

[Image: 28144665391_f3b86edaf5_z.jpg]

Jace is going to have to start sharing the few boy clothes he has- here's my new Lumiere. He's a sweet guy but aware that he's attractive and not afraid to use that to his advantage. He's going to be in a band with Amelia when she gets here (blame DeadlyNova's Dudes With Long Hair for inspiring me!) I've got her name (Avril) and the band's name (Jackrabbit Slim as a nod to Amelia's working name) but this guy was a massive impulse buy so he's needing a name.
Congrats he looks great smile I like his wig as well, although I love his stock wig. But I like how you styled him and also made that boot work smile

Isul Milk Tea was an unexpected Tuesday Morning find. She (she!) needs a ladybody, but for the time being we're just putting her in baggy clothes. Hilariously, this was the same shirt I took Tasket's first pic in!

I also need to find her some glasses that fit although the huge Blythe glasses are kinda cute.

[Image: Xa8RzDO.png]

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