Daily Photo Thread
what a glamour ECHO is LOL Yea Piper would not give up her yellow hair, I was silly to think it wink
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
"You mean Comic Con's over and we didn't get to go?"

[img][Image: 28609585131_8c50d5f195.jpg]HarperandFreddy2 by tisue999, on Flickr[/img]
Aw! All dressed up and no comicon to go to.

[Image: 28558927382_7c667fd13d_z.jpg]
One more of Helios. I love his mixed haircolor, although it's a bit on the course side.
Echo looks amazing! It is is a fashion magazine worthy photo.

Poor Harper and Freddy sadhope they can catch it next year.

I didn't realize Helios had red hair as well. He is an interesting character.
[Image: 28656142451_a9c2a4d73c_z.jpg]
I've already swapped out the red wig, but I think Souji Okita can pull off a gender/body swap.
He is adorable! I love this boy. He can wear any wig. I don't know why he wasn't popular. I feel like I am the only one posting in his pullippedia group. I hope you join CB. Your photos of him are great
Thanks! I got frustrated by the number of Pullipedia groups I tried to join but somehow wouldn't let anyone join. So I stopped trying. I'll be sure to join his. I wasn't interested in him until I found him at TM and could see him in person. I think his promo photos made him look too angry.
Yes his stock photos make him look angry I guess the whole shinsengumi look requires that. But people who doesn't know about his history would like a cute doll smile and surprisingly he actually can look sweet timid and angry depending on the wig used and angle the photo. I don't think I needed permission for his pullippedia.
I was able to join that group with no problem and added all my photos there. Thanks for letting me know.
[Image: 28488973680_db2d3bf33b_z.jpg]
I think I'll be shopping for a wig in the dark brown to black color range. This one is a Monique wig, probably dark chocolate, that rode in on a second hand doll.
I like this hair cut on him, mine is also wearing a black wig. He wore a blonde one for a while. Plaid looks so cute on him smile glad you could join the group without problems . I won't feel lonely there smile
Souji Okita always just looked sad to me, and I want to give him a hug! I finally got him but he was sent to my mom's house during my move so I haven't actually got him yet. Most of my dolls are still there, but I'm waiting to bring them here until I can get my bookshelf set up; I'm so glad I kept Zo and Luka out to bring with me!

Speaking of Luka, I picked up this great Barbie fashion pack at Target (while getting a Ken outfit for my mom's Batman she's getting for her birthday gift), and, well:

[Image: 250rxw7.jpg]

I think he can pull the sparkly unicorn shirt look off!
Luka looks great in that tshirt. I love that tshirt. Blythes and isuls wear it the best smile
Wow, CB, I love him in that Monique wig! Adorable!! <3

Severity, that unicorn outfit is one of my favorite Barbie outfits. <3 Luka looks precious in it!

Here is a photograph of a couple of lovely ladies I took today:
[Image: 28839303945_d249e7e83b_z.jpg]Harley and Emmy by Haley, on Flickr
Awwww Harley and Emmy are both such beautiful girls!! :Heart: I love how Harley's hair matches her flaming red the wheelchair!
Severity, that is a cute outfit for him! Somehow I never see half the cute Barbie stuff other people find.

DeadlyNova, those two make a very colorful pair!

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