Tire swing!
Things have been pretty crappy around here lately; I haven't even been taking many pictures. But this was a little dolly therapy on a gorgeous warm evening.
This is a good example of how when you start photographing dolls, you look at everything for its potential as a doll-size prop. I'd have chucked this bit of plastic fishing gear along with the rest of the garbage off the beach, but I remembered I had some black spray paint, and... "Hey! Tire swing!!"

[Image: 28583837856_c55cc383ca_o.jpg]

Unfortunately it's just the wrong size for the minis, whom I'd intended it for. They can't sit in it and are too top-heavy to do much but some odd acrobatics.

[Image: 28616681415_440f035c6e_o.jpg]
Miki is adventurous, anyway.

So, the J-Dolls got it, and it works perfectly for them. Sunny & Aislinn didn't require a wardrobe change so they got the shoot.

[Image: 28331947980_3723f3c43b_o.jpg]

[Image: 28583843206_36a662faeb_o.jpg]

[Image: 27999372694_0030eb9e76_o.jpg]
The light was wonderful; unfortunately the new camera is being rather frustrating...

[Image: 28000172933_d8f4cf4f8e_o.jpg]

[Image: 28331950610_9e3560f478_o.jpg]
"My turn!"

[Image: 28616682745_32c2ba6c21_o.jpg]

Thanks for looking!
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Ha! Your dolls have the best adventures. So cute.
I love this series. Just watching them makes me forget my troubles smile glad you all had a perfect summer afternoon
Excellent job of recycling beach trash! It sure does make an excellent tire swing for the J-Dolls. The last photo of Aislinn is my favorite.
Wow, I agree with CornflowerBlue!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
This is so cute and creative! I adore the lighting! The third photo from the bottom is my favorite. <3

Dolls are always the best therapy. <3 I hope you're feeling better.
Aww it seems they have a good time. I love the photos. That's reminds me that I had a swing where my grandparents lived.
Oh they all look so lovely in it! Heart Maybe you could buy smaller ring somewhere to use, for some reason I thought maybe toy car/motorcycle tires would be right in side, or maybe the round curtainhanger things? Like for mini pullips.

I mean these thigns:
Blog ^___^
Such warm, summery lighting! Great series of photos as always Alliecat, I love how animated they are!
Looking for stands!
The J-dolls look right at home in a tire swing. Fun photos!
beautiful photos as always <3 I think the last one is my favourite. I hope you're feeling better soon Heart 2
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Thank you everyone! Heart
Unfortunately, not feeling like enjoying much of anything with my cat possibly having cancer... she is my child... we are in limbo waiting for a consulting vet to return from vacation. Don't know what I'll do next. sad Hard to even get motivated for dolly pix.

Glad you like the photos. You know you're obsessed with doll photography when you buy a camera specifically for that... (well, I can use it for work too...)... but, unlike my beloved manual film camera, this is a mysterious black box with too many functions, AND, it's not giving me tack-sharp photos. They're ok for small images and online, but everything has to be sharpened in Photoshop. WTF Rawr!

Curtain rings, ha! That's a good idea. Unfortunately the minis are too top-heavy to sit in a ring; they don't have enough weight in their legs to keep them from tipping out backwards. Oh well.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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Oh, my! Those pictures are amazing! The ones of your J-Dolls, WOW! Those are really pretty pictures! Heart 2 Heart 2 Heart 2

I'm sorry to read about how is it going in your personal life, poor of your little cutie...hope that everything will be okey :,(
We are here if you need to talk :3
Such a great idea. I always check if something could be a doll prop too, sometimes you can find real gems.
The pictures with Jdolls came out great and the scale is perfect, but I do like the minis on it too, they look like they could rock a show in circus!
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That last photo is just perfect! Love it!!
Dolly collector and rerooter, rescuer of waifs and strays!!

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