Daily Photo Thread
I love that! I love the way you pose your photos so realistically and convincingly, even with Littles that are hard to pose @_@ What a gorgeous flower, I'd love to have some that pretty around here smile

I am so busy right now but even when I don't have time to do anything else I always come and read this thread and look at people's lovely photos. I think it is my favorite part of the forum grin
[Image: 28478145264_ea7d06ae72_z.jpg]
Micah, Peak's Woods Kasspio
Micah is an exquisite doll. How tall is he? I love this gloomy photo he looks perfect
What an amazing pic!! I love Micah in that outfit!!
[size=small][i]Dolly Family
Pullip: Nanette, Banshee, Alice du jardin mint, Le petite prince fox, Yuri, Romantic Alice pink, Nella retro memory, Prupate, Bloody red hood, Laura, Alura, Kiyomi mint icecream, Naoko, Sparrow
as I said at Flickr, Micah and your photography skills - both stunning!

(08-19-2016, 12:37 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Alice in the garden after her "Wonderland" photoshoot.

[Image: 28460178723_31e59d9dea_o.jpg]

little Alice is one of the prettiest little pullips and you are another with amazing photography talent smile Gorgeous flower!
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Gorgeous photos, everyone. <3

When he goes from being romantic to being annoying in 0.2 seconds flat.
[Image: 28491075104_014fc9805e_z.jpg]From romantic.... by Haley, on Flickr
[Image: 28491135994_de5a6d5f19_z.jpg]to annoying... by Haley, on Flickr
Way to ruin the moment, Yoshi.
Thanks! A little editing in Pic Monkey helps to add to the atmosphere, too. Micah is 61cm tall, including his head. He's the first bjd I've gotten with the stock outfit that was available. It's so perfect for him I couldn't resist. It's made by Ardeur de l’amour: http://www.ardeurdelamour.com/

Ha, ha, DeadlyNova! They do make a great looking couple.
Lovely pics, all! Micah is wonderful, Cornflower Blue. What a beautiful expression.

I love the scene you captured, DeadlyNova. They have such an expressive nature. Cute as can be!

I snapped a quick one of Naoko today. She was having a good hair day and her faceup and eyes just looked so unique in the light.
[Image: 988whc.jpg]
DN, I was going into withdrawal with no photos of your fam LOL. Glad to see these beauties, even although Yoshi is SUCH a boy Tongue

renlee83, your photo is the first time I can honestly say I find Naoko beautiful. That is a stunning shot!
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
Nice lighting, renlee83!
Thank you guys for the nice comments about Alice. Maybe since I started off with minis, I don't feel all that limited with posing them. We just work with what we've got LOL

I want to know what Yoshi said!
Indeed a striking photo of Naoko.
And Micah looks very disappointed that he can't go out.

Someone got a balloon flower at a community event.

[Image: 28835023400_3a457b3e4d_o.jpg]Dae balloon flower sm by Alliecat09, on Flickr

Alas, then we had a little accident... Cry
I think I will not give her the sparklers that I also got...
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Thank you guys so so much! <3 I was going into withdrawal from not taking photos, Miss Edith! It's been storming here every day for two weeks straight, but the sun came up for an hour or two earlier so I could get those photos. Hopefully it'll do the same tomorrow!

Renlee, your Naoko looks beautiful! I never was much of a fan of her before but now I can definitely see her potential just from this one photo. <3
[Image: 1984g7.jpg]
Deepali ❤️
(08-21-2016, 02:22 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Someone got a balloon flower at a community event.

Alas, then we had a little accident... Cry
I think I will not give her the sparklers that I also got...
Uh, oh, hope it wasn't anything serious!

Deepali is lovely, Severity! WF Batgirl is awesome!
What a pretty face Deepali has! IN love!

Alliecat, you keep giving me ideas for photos! So cute with the flower and how she is just hiding oh-so-sweetly behind it.

Thanks for the Naoko feedback, all. I've never photographed dolls before, but I am finding that getting that perfect lighting on features is important. Naoko's stock photos didn't make her appealing to me...but I loved her hair and eyes so much(and those cute converse sneakers and cherry-blossom patch pants) I took the chance. She is much better looking at home, for sure. More "natural" if I can even say that. Every day I look at her and she changes a little as she is out of the box and can "breathe". She just loves her best friend, Akemi.

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