Daily Photo Thread
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Erin (Souji Okita) with her? new 25cm Obitsu. I'm on the fence as to whether this Isul is going make a believable girl or not. I need to try a girlier dress. I'm loving the eyelashes, though.
(09-22-2016, 02:36 PM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: I'm on the fence as to whether this Isul is going make a believable girl or not.
Goodness, yes! At first glance I thought it was a Pullip. Very cute!
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(09-21-2016, 11:57 PM)Doll Angel (Janeen F) Wrote: Oh my word, your BRH is STUNNING!! I love the way her eyes sparkle with rich color and especially the boldly her hair is styled. *o* I am just amazed looking at her, she is just so beautiful!

Awww, and your Nella looks so sweet in that dress too smile The colors go so nicely with her delicate complexion!

Hehe, thank you! I can't stop looking at her on my shelf~ LOL I got her wig from Lullaby Poem but the style didn't sit right on a Pullip head so that was the result after cutting the ponytail smile Funny that you would point out my poor Nella, I find her incredibly difficult to style! Cry

(09-21-2016, 11:46 PM)Offgenemi Wrote: i love that ribbon on your BRH, her eyechips are beautiful and i like this light colored wig on her! she looks like a custom doll smile

(09-22-2016, 03:26 AM)renlee83 Wrote: @ rachelwxyan Your BRH has so much depth to her eyes with those chips! Great with her complexion. smile

(09-22-2016, 05:34 AM)martah Wrote: With or without insta filter, she looks stunning!

(09-22-2016, 11:53 AM)Cornflower Blue Wrote: rachelwxyan - your BRH looks gorgeous restyled! My first thought was which Pullip is she, and then I realized who she was.

(09-22-2016, 12:35 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Agree, BRH is stunning!!
I really like Banshee... she's on the wish list.

Thank you all for the kind comments! BRH has one of the most beautiful face ups among all stock Pullips imo~ I was hesitant to change her look at first but I'm glad it turned out amazing Happy
Penny & Janice were doing another photo for the Dal House September activity.
Years ago there was a TV commercial, I forget what for, where a woman spots the first fallen leaf of autumn on the sidewalk, looks horrified, and runs away screaming. I think of that commercial every year; that is so totally me. I hate the cold, I hate the earlier evenings, I hate the end of the growing season, I dread the long winter to come. (Yes, I live in the wrong climate zone.)
So, here they are being equally horrified.

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Penny & Janice fall leaf by Alliecat09, on Flickr
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Another Dal House scavenger hunt shot.... the theme was 'pet rocks'. So here's Janice trying to take "Rockette" for a walk. Alas, not too successful and she had to be released back into the wild garden.

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that is too cute, i love the ribbon smile)) nice touch
Ha, ha, Alliecat! That came out really adorable. I have to say it's been a hoot coming up with goofy challenges and seeing what everyone comes up with for them.
Oh my word, Janice you are too ADORABLE!! *w* Rockette is to cute with that big bow with tiny little dots on its head. I love all the fun humor this picture Alliecat! I hope Janice won't have to be too sad releasing her pet rock into the wild and that Rockette makes lots of new rock friends smile
Very cute! smile I really enjoy seeing your photos! smile
Thank you guys grin I'm glad you like them. "Rockette" actually had a face, with a little smile, on the other end, when I found it/her. Alas, they were just stains from the beach and came off in my pocket on the way home!
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Tenchi! Gosh, now I want to dig out old VHS copies of the show.

Cute couple, tasuke :3
Alliecat, that photo is ADORABLE! I love it. <3

[Image: 30086881096_1664716a10_z.jpg]<3 by Haley, on Flickr
Loving that skirt on Amelia!
Yes, that skirt looks great with the rest of her stock!

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A quick, night time under artificial light photo of my MIO Isul and Dal that are just about finished. Iv'e been keeping my fingers crossed that the weather would stay nice long enough for me to finish them. I couldn't wait to see how they looked all put together. And I didn't notice the Isul's eyelid is stuck. Drunk Isul.LOL

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