Show your new Doll!
Congrats on your new dolls everyone ! Looking forward to see more daesani photos here. Your Noir is very colorful and fun greysprincess. I love her wig.
Lejays17 bothbif your new girls are very cute. I. The first photo for a moment I thought you took the photo on my yard smile looks very similar. They are both so cute I love chicca's stock.
Quote:Noir's not a doll I probably would have ever bought otherwise (she's a bit dark for my tastes and I'm not a huge fan of lip chains) but again, I'm a sucker for a bargain and having seen enough pictures of DeadlyNova's Piper had me convinced I could add some color to her to make her more my style.

Your dolls are always so adorable. And if you decide you really hate the lip chain, if she's anything like Taeyang Koichi, it's fairly easy to wiggle it off, leaving her with just a lip piercing but no chain.
Congratulations to everyone on their new dollies.

Love what you did with Noir Greysprincess. That wig is amazing. She looks super cute.

Your Date Masamume is so pretty, dargosmydaddy. She reminds me of my pullip Arnoul with that serious little to no make lip which I think is a great feature.
Congrats on swapping out her eye chips great color. I love brown eyed dollies.
Thank you guys! I had a lot of fun putting the wig together!

(06-28-2017, 08:14 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote:
Quote:Noir's not a doll I probably would have ever bought otherwise (she's a bit dark for my tastes and I'm not a huge fan of lip chains) but again, I'm a sucker for a bargain and having seen enough pictures of DeadlyNova's Piper had me convinced I could add some color to her to make her more my style.

Your dolls are always so adorable. And if you decide you really hate the lip chain, if she's anything like Taeyang Koichi, it's fairly easy to wiggle it off, leaving her with just a lip piercing but no chain.

Good to know! I thought it looked like it would be pretty easy when I had her head open for the rechip, but I think for now I'm going to leave it. smile
My Nomyens custom face-up. I decide to go with a poshy outfit cause I think Nomyens face-up has this sophisticated dollie look to me.

[Image: 34784234113_82e9bd561c.jpg]Poppy by Doll Parts, on Flickr

[Image: 35593023965_9f7001d295.jpg]Poppy by Doll Parts, on Flickr
Wow she is exquisite! Kind of little lady. I love her dress smile
[Image: IMG_3615.jpg]

My first Dal, Noon
She had a haircut by her previous owner but I actually prefer her like this smile
I never used to like Dal's grumpy expression, but I'm actually in love!!
Congrats on Sentimental Noon, I love her!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
She does look really cute with that haircut!
A new kitty in the house.
[Image: 14c8ej5.jpg]
Luna is home and waiting to be freed. smile
[Image: bhws3m.jpg]
Congrats on both of them smile
A hasty pic of my two new girlies;

[Image: 35571714202_e121043d6c.jpg]New arrivals by Blue Karou, on Flickr

Elspeth (Kaela) is going to become a woodsy elf character, I need to find some nice green and brown fabrics to try my hand at sewing something pretty.

Nikii (AQ) is probably going to be rebodied; her wrists aren't completely broken, but better to be safe than sorry. She will then join my dragon hunter group. Just gotta find her a big curly wig.
PULLIPS: Haute NY, Catwoman, Another Queen, Kaela, Ala
TAEYANGS: Another King, Romantic King, Hook

For Sale: Rovam, Souseiseki, Lead, Shade
Ooh, lucky you! I have admired Kaela and AQ from afar for a long time, but they're not easy to find.
I had just given up on ever getting AQ when she turned up on the Pullip Sales Europe page. Kaela was one of the last new releases when I was first into Pullips and her simple face up works perfectly for my elf. I had decided to only consider getting new dolls from the UK or Europe to save on postage and she showed up from a UK seller. How could I not?

I'm itching to dress/redress them but am stuck at my Mum's house after having some minor surgery so have to be patient.
PULLIPS: Haute NY, Catwoman, Another Queen, Kaela, Ala
TAEYANGS: Another King, Romantic King, Hook

For Sale: Rovam, Souseiseki, Lead, Shade

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