Daily Photo Thread
Thanks and thanks! Rolling right along, here's Sailor Pluto in a different spot in the same flower bed.
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Sailor Pluto is very pretty redressed like this! Heart 2
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Gorgeous photos ! Cornflowerblue , now I want both of these dolls and their dresses /outfits ! So pretty !
Thanks! She's one of the prettier Sailor Moon dolls.
[Image: 30382695508_7c08c45e44_z.jpg]
And another photo of Momoko Sunflower is Summer's Love from 2006. I was too lazy to look for her sandals.
how sweet! i love this photo, how the sun is shining on her smile
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Ela got a few moments in front of camera so that she can flaunt her beautiful dress from darling clover and necklace from friggandfreya (she is wearing it as belt)
Those colors suit her well!
She looks gorgeous!
Shoulder-length jet-black hair trimmed in bangs just above the eyes = Heart 2 Heart 2 Heart 2
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
She looks wonderful!
Thank you smile I think she is one of the most photographic girls I have smile
[Image: DSC_7984.jpg]

[Image: DSC_7963.jpg]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]
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On our way to the pirate festival again this year. WTF, U.S. customs?, apparently I and my crew are suspiciously badass enough looking, that they gave me the third degree and went through my car again. That's twice in three festival trips. Irritated
I haven't decided if I really will walk around downtown dressed up and with a matching doll.... ... but then everyone else is in costume too...
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(09-07-2018, 01:25 PM)Alliecat Wrote: WTF, U.S. customs?, apparently I and my crew are suspiciously badass enough looking, that they gave me the third degree and went through my car again.

The last time I visited Canada, about three years ago now, the Canadian border authorities pulled us aside and made us cool our jets in the office for an hour while they did who knows what to the rental car and scowled at us through the waiting room windows. Then, without explanation, they released us. They were such... they were so rude that, quite frankly, I don't care if I ever visit Canada again.

It's too bad the border crossings have become such a hassle. Apparently the authorities on both sides of the border only allow terrorists and drug dealers free passage, while pretending to be thorough by harassing the most obviously non-threatening people.

The pirate fest sounds like fun, though.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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