Daily Photo Thread
I hope that this unpleasant experience won't spoil the fun on pirate festival for you, Alliecat!
(09-07-2018, 03:53 PM)davidd Wrote:
(09-07-2018, 01:25 PM)Alliecat Wrote: WTF, U.S. customs?, apparently I and my crew are suspiciously badass enough looking, that they gave me the third degree and went through my car again.

The last time I visited Canada, about three years ago now, the Canadian border authorities pulled us aside and made us cool our jets in the office for an hour while they did who knows what to the rental car and scowled at us through the waiting room windows. Then, without explanation, they released us. They were such... they were so rude that, quite frankly, I don't care if I ever visit Canada again.

It's too bad the border crossings have become such a hassle. Apparently the authorities on both sides of the border only allow terrorists and drug dealers free passage, while pretending to be thorough by harassing the most obviously non-threatening people.

The pirate fest sounds like fun, though.

The Canadian/US border control once literally let through a murderer carrying a bloody chainsaw.
[Image: Nakoruru%20Evening%20Dress%209-8-18.jpg]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]
[Image: hoyPEUL.jpg]

Of course I had to put the Wonder Woman Barbie set I got on Diana. smile
I was waiting for someone to do this! She looks very cute in this outfit.

[Image: 29601448707_3b3ce9a54f_z.jpg]
Another angle of Lollipop Girl, Nicole.
diana looks gorgeous with that set. i got the same one wink
Nicole is very unique and oretty, she is rocking that colorful dress
i took a ton of photos of Guu so you will see her on my accounts over the internet. we joined byutiful and dalicious competition.
[Image: 30703388768_27a2773571.jpg]Untitled by goche moche, on Flickr
Awww. Look at all the cute outfits! Lovely photos. wink
Naoko is ready for the Autumn Market.
[Image: 30trl2a.jpg]
That outfit is super cute, renlee!
(09-12-2018, 07:24 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: That outfit is super cute, renlee!

Thanks. The dress is from the talented Leah, of The Persnicketie Pixie.
[Image: To%20Heart%20Multi%20HMX-12%20VOLKS%20Ul...-14-18.jpg]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]
Renlee, I love that photo of Naoko!
Cute red slippers coordinate well with the rest of her clothing;

[Image: Multi%209-17-18.jpg]
[Image: A_Night_at_Konomi_9-23-24_FULLSIZE_gX3Qd...fit=bounds]
(09-18-2018, 02:13 AM)tasuke Wrote: Cute red slippers coordinate well....

I see you have recovered her missing ruby slippers.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Avast, ye swabs! Thanks t' davidd fer reminderin' us that this be Talk Like A Pirate Day. Th' PTFCo crew do in fact 'ave somethin' fer the occasion. Ye might recognize our wee star's mum representin' her plastic pals in this 'ere parade XD

[Image: 44794175671_38e4993319_z.jpg]
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
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(09-20-2018, 12:56 PM)Alliecat Wrote: Th' PTFCo crew do in fact 'ave somethin' fer the occasion. Ye might recognize our wee star's mum representin' her plastic pals in this 'ere parade.

Why, thar they be, th' scurvy PTFCo cap'n 'n' crew; doubtless being paraded off to the gallows with the rest of those disreputable bilge rats!

(Nice boots, by the way! Or, to quote Disney's The Pirate Fairy: "Gotta love the boots!")

Speakin' o' disreputable bilge rats:

[Image: pullip_laura_pirate.jpg]
Pullip Pirate Laura
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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