PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week 2023! (#52 Dec. 22)
She looks fabulous!

We got the only snow of the winter (so far?) on Monday, about 3 inches, but it's already gone. Which I'm totally fine with in most respects, but I wish I'd gotten to take a few pictures first.
(02-27-2023, 05:55 PM)davidd Wrote: Shoulda sent Hot Girl next door for a little arson fun while the neighbors were gone.
Heh.  I'm pretty sure if I could use the Force I'd be flirting heavily with the Dark Side...  slash

(03-06-2023, 09:55 AM)dargosmydaddy Wrote: We got the only snow of the winter (so far?) on Monday, about 3 inches, but it's already gone.
Wow, the only snow??  Lucky you!  Is that unusual?


10 weeks into the year already.  That's a little disturbing.... I had hoped to see a bit more progress on certain things...  slash

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Something for the Dal House March Poetry Challenge....

it's March, it's spring
why is snow still a Thing
all this cold
is getting old
we want palm trees
not bare knees
that freeze
no matter the date
spring's always late
this weather sucks
we have no *****
to give for winter
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Is that glacier advancing or retreating.

I hear ya about the "ten weeks" thing. The time is evaporating -- faster than the glaciers are melting, even -- and I feel I am accomplishing very little.

I like the way Tennis Girl is optimistically looking forward to spring. Red, although she has her skateboard just in case, is bundled up, suggesting her optimism is tinged with pessimism. Maybe she needs a snow board.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Winter doesn't want to let go.  Another storm this week, and thanks to A.H. Construction having clearcut right up to the property line, FOUR more trees are casualties.  I'm waiting for the biggest, and the one it's leaning on, to come crashing down on my garden...   again...  Cry

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Had to do something with the green-haired girls for St. Patrick's Day.  A quick shoot on the cold back porch in lousy light.  Here are Sara & Doryn.  I love how well they match; I hadn't planned a mom/daughter thing for them as with Dawn & Sunsette, but they sure do look like it, don't they.
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Yes, these figs do bear a strong family resemblance.

Your property situation leaves me feeling so sad... which is nothing compared to how you feel, I'm sure. So basically, by clear-cutting the woodlot property, the new owner clearcut your property as well. I suppose pursuing some kind of legal recourse would cost a fortune without guaranteed results.

I'm not looking forward to heading back to Utah next week. Winter ain't letting up there, either, with snow in the forecast all week. Snowpack levels are at 200% of "normal" throughout most of the state.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
The Yuppie Influx has hit here too.

The rich folk are cutting down EVERYTHING.

Remote work means the woodlands are being colonized by rich people who build giant apartment buildings and destroy our trees...  Ugh.

Our neighborhood pet deer have run off because the rich folk cut down their woods. :(  Our neighborhood loved those deer.  We fed them.  They had names. :(

I wonder what they'll do when there are no woodlands left and they all live in high-rise sardine cans with no trees.  :'(

--- (I've read anecdotally from Floridans that rich expats can be repelled by tossing gators over their fence until they leave, but not sure you can do that in Canada.)
Sara and Doryn definitely bear a family resemblance! And I love all the prints in Sara's dress.

Quote:Wow, the only snow??  Lucky you!  Is that unusual?

Yes... usually we get at least a few storms with accumulation, and some years it seems never ending. Two years ago was all snow, all the time. This year was definitely preferable... but I would have appreciated one snow day!
200% snow sounds yukky!! I saw a FB post from Pullip Style about having had a lot of rain and there was "grass all over the desert" or words to that effect. I guess it's helpful for groundwater, at least.
Sara's dress was made by Offgenemi, who's no longer active on forums.

(03-19-2023, 12:51 AM)fishy Wrote:   Our neighborhood loved those deer.  We fed them.  They had names....

I wonder what they'll do when there are no woodlands left and they all live in high-rise sardine cans with no trees. 

--- (I've read anecdotally from Floridans that rich expats can be repelled by tossing gators over their fence until they leave, but not sure you can do that in Canada.)
Ehh, well, I wouldn't miss the deer around here... they've eaten everything I've tried to grow for 25 years. sad

Many of them already do. They think the rest of us should too, I guess.

"It sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?"


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Miki's little coat is adorable-- she looks very welcoming.

Quote:Sara's dress was made by Offgenemi, who's no longer active on forums.

I guessed that was an Offgemini dress-- she's so talented! She still posts on Instagram, but I miss her here on the forums.
She's adorable! I just love her little peacoat. She looks so cozy!
What a superb setting, high above the sea! I don't know if my impression is accurate, but the condition of her hair suggests that the winds were less than gale force at this particular moment.

And I don't see no snow! Woo hoo!

Wherever this is, you need to live there. On the headland. Overlooking the ocean.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Thanks, all.
I took the pic in between gusts.  Yes, I should live up there.  There is actually a piece of land for sale up that road but $$$$$, and the hassle of building here might not be worth it.

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pushing through darkness
raise your head toward the light
hopeful for the spring

One last poem for the spectacularly successful Dal House March Challenge!  LOL
And then it snowed again last night and I remembered the crocuses about 3:30 a.m. and went out to cover them up.  The snow won't kill them; it just makes them a little less fresh & crisp looking for photography.  I want them to last.  That's the 2nd time this spring, and they also have to be covered with chicken wire because of the deer.  slash
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That's a lovely, colorful, spring-y scene!

I hear ya about the endless snowstorms. Winter just keeps piling it on. There's another storm in the forecast here for this coming Monday, with a forecast of 2 inches (5cm) of new snow.

When the forecast said "2 inches" earlier this week, the actual snowfall was 12 inches / 30 cm.

And things refuse to warm up.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Pretty crocuses! Good to see Danbo again.
Dolls With Flowers continues.
I love my wee crocuses; they're so small and short-lived, but DANG it, I canNOT get my rear in gear to get out and shoot a picture before they start closing up in the afternoon.
Anyway, here's Jewel.

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