Thankyou for the price quotes!
a- They don't have them here (rural france + big shops 3 hours away)
b- I'm currently disabled and get everything online
I've thought of trying to get one from ebay but I don't see the point in wasting $25+ (yay postage fees) just to check a colour match. If anyone can confirm a skin match for Nina, I'd be very grateful <3
(07-05-2010, 12:30 PM)MissMandyLynne Wrote: why couldnt you just go out and buy a Fashionista doll and give her the body?I can't *just go out* and buy a fashionista or liv doll because
a- They don't have them here (rural france + big shops 3 hours away)
b- I'm currently disabled and get everything online
I've thought of trying to get one from ebay but I don't see the point in wasting $25+ (yay postage fees) just to check a colour match. If anyone can confirm a skin match for Nina, I'd be very grateful <3
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