The Mad Scientist, the Abomination, and the Superhero (Neo Noir, Tina, Uncanricky)
I love Typn! Buh... buh... buh!! LOL

I hope there will be further adventure of this trio! grin
Pullip family: Kyoko (Aya), Angelica (Raphia), Leila (Ala), Dorian (Wayne), Suika (Suiseiseki), Kana (Kanaria), Lillian (Zuora), Regina (Suigintou), Shiri (Shinku), Ichigo (Hina Ichigo), Mirabelle (Puki), unnamed Suiseiseki, Blue Alice
Waiting for: nothing~
Other dollies: Zoe (Moxie Teen), Alyssa (Moxie Girl), Dahlia & Saffron (Blythe clones), Adelaide (J-Doll)

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RE: The Mad Scientist, the Abomination, and the Superhero (Neo Noir, Tina, Uncanricky) - by sunflower0717 - 09-29-2010, 11:21 PM

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