Shehvar's stroll in the rose garden
(11-09-2015, 04:38 AM)PullipPrincess Wrote: Oh! She looks perfect among the roses! <3 Very cute and elegant! Her hair really is pretty, too!And yay!!! Another doll collector here in Florida! I just moved here with my husband, recently, as this is where he grew up. ^.^ I understand what you mean about the sun out here. It's definitely good to keep your dolls in shady areas for the most part, like you've been doing. smile Taking them out once in awhile for photos won't hurt them really, just be sure not to leave them out for too long.
Thank you smile Nice to meet you PullipPrincesssmile I am so happy to find other Pullip fans in Florida. I have lived in this state for about 14 years and I melted and disfigured a ton of stuff over the years. My son's car seat buckle melted because we forgot a plastic bottle filled with water on top of it??!? I ruined a black cardigan (turned yellow at folds).
best one was when we forgot pizza dough in the trunk of the car smile)) it exploded smile))

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RE: Shehvar's stroll in the rose garden - by Offgenemi - 11-09-2015, 05:05 AM

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