Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event - June 4, 2016
PUDDLE 2016 is SOLD OUT! You can visit the website and fill out a form to be added to the waiting list. The wait list will close on May 23, and you will be notified by May 25 if a spot has opened up for you. Guest registration needs to be paid within 24 hours of notification that a guest spot is open or we'll move on to the next person on the wait list. There will be no registration at the door.

Sold out! Woot!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.

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RE: Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event - June 4, 2016 - by TrueFan - 05-01-2016, 02:37 AM

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