(06-03-2016, 09:28 PM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Sunsette and her mum is the best thing ever xD I love them!!Aw! Thank you !!
(06-03-2016, 05:17 PM)Little mouse Wrote: You have certainly got the knack of bringing a larger Pullip totally to life, just as much as you have with bringing a small one to life.Hmm...mmm... good question. Well, I guess just being a lot more careful with posing because they're so much more top-heavy, will face-plant harder when they fall & thus are more likely to get damaged. And I break all the rules about keeping these not-for-play dolls in safe places. Thank you for the nice comments
...Did you have to learn any new tricks with the larger doll?
Here is the project they've been working so hard on