Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event - June 4, 2016
Just a few!
My entry in the mini contest won third place!

[Image: 26902372964_c1d1664581_z.jpg]
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman by TrueFan, on Flickr

Doll design event results:
[Image: 27477120526_b68e0e2543_z.jpg]
From the Doll Design Event by TrueFan, on Flickr

Queen Jane, a custom I won last year by Doll Angel, returned as Miss Universe.
[Image: 26902373634_65d65e27c2_z.jpg]
Miss Universe aka Queen Jane by TrueFan, on Flickr

Valancy's Dalek outfit.
[Image: 27477122756_d87c787056_z.jpg]
Valancy as a Dalek by TrueFan, on Flickr

Gypsy Alice original outfit by applecandy won third place in the original outfit category.
[Image: 26903584283_860a3abb96_z.jpg]
Gypsy Alice by TrueFan, on Flickr

Portent won best modified Dal.
[Image: 27412751682_14e6949602_z.jpg]
Dalek by TrueFan, on Flickr

The winning Best in Theme entry, a scene from original series Star Trek The Trouble with Tribbles by Quamara
[Image: 27477126316_86c83b6496_z.jpg]
The Trouble with Tribbles by TrueFan, on Flickr

Group photo. We had about 110 attendees this year!
[Image: 27412764212_437f072a18_z.jpg]
Group photo PUDDLE 2016 by TrueFan, on Flickr
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.

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RE: Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event - June 4, 2016 - by TrueFan - 06-07-2016, 11:07 AM

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