Aaralyn (Amelia) and her... Amelia?
(10-24-2016, 05:50 AM)pink_bunny Wrote: Aww she's so cute <3 and she seems to be a very talented photographer grin

Aww, Pink Bunny, thank You a bunch!! yay Aaralyn really loves her camera a lot! Hopefully next weekend I will have time to give her another lesson. That is, if she can wait that long?XD

(10-24-2016, 08:38 AM)davidd Wrote: Your Amelia / Aralyn is quite adventurous to climb trees like that! Whatever it takes to capture the perfect photo, I guess!

Thank YOU! yay I couldn't agree more with you. All the seemingly crazy things we do to get the perfect shot! Like you said, Aralyn is a pretty adventurous and I was a bit scared at first she would fall having climbed so high. Luckily she made it down alright.^^ Thanks again for all your kind words!

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RE: Aaralyn (Amelia) and her... Amelia? - by Doll Angel (Janeen F) - 10-25-2016, 08:17 AM

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