dargosmydaddy's attempt at a doll a week...
When you realize you've made it to Week Ten, and have yet to post a Taeyang picture!

(Taeyang is my fave of the Pullip family. My first Groove doll was Taeyang HasH, pictured here on the right. I recently rewigged and rechipped him. His name is Nikolaj, and he is still one of my absolute favorite dolls. He's posing with Viktor, who is Taeyang Valko.)

[Image: 47340631171_9737ca81c8_z.jpg]NikVik3 by tisue999, on Flickr

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RE: dargosmydaddy's attempt at a doll a week... - by dargosmydaddy - 03-11-2019, 04:55 AM

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