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Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D
Whoa, so many great photos here! I want to react to a lot of them, but since we're running out of time, and I massively failed doing even half of the challenges, I at least wanted to share what I do have before time runs out (22:40 here T__T). I'll come back to comment on everything tomorrow! ^^

7.  a used stamp
- I used to collect stamps as a kid. Not the official way, I just kept whatever was on the mail sent to us and relatives - most came from the latter, and especially from my aunt who used to work at an office and had access to all the incoming mail. I got tons of stamps from her, but for office mail people usually used common stamps. These stamps, depicting remarkable local buildings were so abundant in the 1990s, I used to dislike them as a result. When I got reunited with my collection last year due to clearing out a family storage, I learned to see their beauty. They came in all colours, but for this photo I only picked the ones that were blue or green. I have a lot of most of them, but for some weird reason, there's only one of the 12 HUF one - which is why I put that in the middle.
The collection is presented by  little miss grumpy mermaid Pisces :3
[Image: 49842971261_20878ac6d9_z.jpg]
Grumpy mermaid swimming in stamp sea by ~Loona~, on Flickr

8.  a blue doll/figure/toy
- just a casual photo of one of my Novi Stars Una Verse dolls. This one I tend to call Teenie Una, she has been rebodied on an Equestria Girls doll body.
I never thought of Una as a favourite Novi of mine, however, I somehow ended up with 3 of them, all living on my desk within half a meter from me as I type now. Sometimes we are blind to see where real love is smile
[Image: 49789173417_63b7cb4d95_z.jpg]
[/url][url=]Teenie Una by ~Loona~, on Flickr

15.  something freshly baked
- I can't say this photo qualifies, but I thought I'd add it in as a bonus ^^ Besides dolls I'm also a Furby collector, and have around 100 Furbabies. This little guy is called Raspberry (translated - officially I call him Málna, which is the Hungarian word for raspberry), and has a special place in my heart. The screenshot is taken from my Instagram story, as I realised later that it contains a scavenger hunt item grin
[Image: ms7plsV.png]
My Flickr Gallery blush

"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! Deadline May 3 (extended) :D - by Loona - 05-02-2020, 06:57 AM

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