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Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D
Apologies for the delay... news deadline intervened...

Thank you guys SO much for participating!!  When I posted the idea I really didn't know if anyone would bother at all.  I was so happy that so many members joined in, and it sounds like you had fun, which is great, because I loved seeing all the photos and the stories.

Finally the whole prize packages are here... I had ordered 2 specialty chocolate bars along with an online order of other stuff...  They only sent one.  Then I couldn't go into the grocery store for just one thing, because restrictions (I thought), then when I DID go to the store again I FORGOT the chocolate!!!! Irritated and I DID end up going back for just that.

[Image: 49867657378_deff9c1104_o.jpg]

The draw tickets....  Had some fun with the table formatting once I realized the column widths adjusted to the contents and not everyone's was the same size...  Then the printer head was dried out or something & I had to clean it about 4x....  LOL

[Image: 49868193041_b8bab9fd0c_o.jpg]

This pink square should be a Flickr video. Which should work for those of you with more updated 'puters than mine.

The winners are......

[Image: 49868510472_4bd37d8ea1_o.jpg]Scavenger hunt draw by Alliecat09, on Flickr
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]

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RE: Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D - by Alliecat - 05-08-2020, 08:41 AM

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