PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (The END!!)
Thank you for all the nice comments, everyone  blush  I'm really pleased this one turned out pretty much as I'd hoped.

(07-04-2020, 03:03 PM)Lejays17 Wrote: (Are the knees funny colours because of bruising or didn’t you sweep/dust beforehand smile )
Oh dear.  How is it possible you've seen my office....???  Oh My  xp

(07-08-2020, 03:19 AM)Aichan Wrote: I agree I don’t like digital stuff. I think in a way that is cheating.
I feel the same for my movies, I prefer to see  monster make up and puppeteers and real props to CGI.
That's interesting.  I really hate digital photo "cheats" and how things get way overprocessed, especially scenic shots.  Isn't nature beautiful enough?  We don't need neon colours in everything and fluffy-cumulus skies transformed into approaching hurricanes.  I mean, call it "digital art" if you want, but when it started becoming popular I really hated that it was put against "real" photography in contests, in the same category.  
It also perplexes me that some people don't seem to be able to tell the difference, when something is overcooked, and think that the sky or the landscape really actually looked like that.  
I grew up seeing literally some of the best photography in Canada, through Mom & Dad's camera-club affiliation.  Mom was the club secretary, and was responsible for mailing slides, (eek, remember those!?), so when a competition set came in, we always got a slide show at home before she sent them on to the next club.  Mom & Dad would have their own little session as photo judges so I learned a lot.  With the advent of digital, it's nice that photography is more accessible to everyone, but quality-wise, anything goes....  [insert long rant].
As far as movies go -- interesting point...  Have you seen "Farscape"?  Lots of puppeteering!  If you happened to like sci-fi and you prefer this style, you'd probably like it.
I enjoy seeing how they do CGI too, though, and if I give "Avatar" as an example, all arguments are off! grin  LOL

Snapshot time this week...  The computer issues have descended into a morass of frustration, with an initially-very-encouraging data recovery guy who now will not return any calls about an appointment.  I'm going to try a place a little closer to home (still an all-day trip) but am not optimistic they can do it.  
Trying to calm some annoyance and minimize the swear words while waiting all day for no call, I shot a few doll pix.  (Yes, it helped a bit, but then the day got even worse slash )
Here's Petra just because I think she looks so great in this outfit, before she changed to a summer one.

[Image: 50091813137_d854ddffe6_z.jpg]
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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (#28, July 8) - by Alliecat - 07-09-2020, 06:37 AM

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