PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (The END!!)
Whoa, you have weird weather over there... here it's now turned into the constantly cold (chilly even in the morning, but still no snow) and gloomy that I loathe. A friend living in Finland has just posted snow-covered pictures, and I really wish we were there already, as snow is the only thing (out of those outside my influence) that can make me happy during these months...

I completely feel your pain about the lack of natural light! I've been postponing taking photos for the same reason for weeks. After literally weeks without sun, on Tuesday we finally had some of it, but I was so busy with work there was no way I could have stolen some time for photos from those few hours that are now available (tecnhically 2-3 at best: around noon the sun isn't quite there yet, and at 3PM it's already behind the surrounding houses). Yesterday and today we finally had some sun on days I didn't have work-related duties, but I wanted to use it for other things (l've been meaning to go through some of my dolls - mostly MH and EAH bought for customs, or as impulse buys - and decide if I'd really like to keep them. Some of them have been bought and immediately went into a box, in which they stayed for years. That's just unreasonable, especially if you are short of space. I wanted to prioritise this because now's a good time to resell them because of Christmas coming. I did have some success and managed to decide on selling about 10 of them, and I used today's sun to take photos of these for the ads). Oh well, it's not like I don't have a massive backlog of photos I'd need to edit and then post, but it would be so much easier if there was more natural light giving a bit more freedom of choice.

Mariya Luiza looks stunning with the orchid! It's nice to see the prchid doesn't care that much about the lack of natural light - though thinking of it, aren't they ground-species in their natural inhabitat, surrounded by taller vegetation? If so, it'd make sense for them to thrive and flower even in less sunny spots.
My Flickr Gallery blush

"I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can, so I can
See the light that's right before my eyes"

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic A Week *2020*! (#47, Nov. 21) - by Loona - 11-23-2020, 12:49 AM

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