(03-07-2021, 08:19 PM)Loona Wrote: Gigi had at least 4 5 releases that I can count....
She's clearly from that era of Monster High when the creators were already ready to make more bold choices...
Yet another scooter? Your dolls are clearly spoiled! ...
Oh, it's always great to see owner photos of Astranova (but, yeah, as discussed earlier, they are dangerous XD )! I never managed to decide if I like her enough to purchase her or not ... I figure I'd want to reroot or rewig her (given I could remove her helmet) if I ever got her....
I had no idea there were so many releases of Gigi Grant. I must admit, the last couple or three years of the Monster High run, prior to the reboot, the releases were coming out so quickly that I mostly stopped paying attention. Also, the manufacturing quality of the later releases began to decline.
Yes, many of my dolls and action figures are spoiled. Or perhaps it's a bribe, as I hope to assuage their anger for spending so much time packed away in storage tubs.
Re-rooting AstraNova might be problematic with that super powerful magnet filling up her head! I've never tried to remove her little cap, so I don't know what's under it. I suspect the cap is glued in place, but I don't know that for sure.
(03-08-2021, 11:43 AM)Elfy Wrote: What's the black space spidery looking thing at the bottom of the box?
The space spidery looking thing is a radial engine from a biplane.
More specifically, the space spidery looking thing is a black plastic radial engine from a biplane kit, one of the options from a 1970s era toy called the Mattel Spinwelder:
March of the Monsters continues....
7 March – Dals Tezca and Lipoca
Hey, it's March of the Monsters, not March of the Monster High, so these creepy little creeps, Dal Tezca and Dal Lipoca, have crept in to the lineup!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!