~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~
Haha, that's so cute. I'm kinda kicking myself for not getting the happy little pineapple I saw in Hawaii.
Her shirt is cute and I like the running shoes too.

They say the trick is to keep your eyes on the horizon and not lose sight of where you're going. So, keep your eyes on the Week After Next, and before you know it you'll be there.
(Says the person who sees only a crapload of obstacles between here and a horizon she wants to get to... slash )
Well, pets and dolls are both great therapy.
Hope you have a good -- and easy -- week.
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RE: ~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~ - by Alliecat - 06-13-2022, 11:39 AM

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