~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~
Week Thirty-six
Furthering my it-takes-me-forever-to-photograph-my-new-arrivals theme, meet Soroya. She is my second Byul Tiger Lily, whom I bought... three or four years ago, maybe? She was super cheap on ebay and came with a really cute dress (that I also think I have yet to photograph...), and I hoped to get her customized eventually. She spent the majority of last year with myufish, and arrived back to me right before last Christmas. I finally got her chips (July) and a wig (August) and took her picture (September). Yay.

[Image: 109552467_36292ef81532e91fafa84dc8037a9ee9_large.jpg]

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RE: ~dargosmydaddy's a-doll-a-week 2022~ - by dargosmydaddy - 09-07-2022, 09:03 AM

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