PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week *2024* -- The End!
Thank you! yay
Yes, that's her stock outfit. She's a samurai. It's from the same anime thing as Daesani, "Sengoku Basara". Which I have never seen and know nothing about. I wonder what the real Date Masamune would have said about the anime, let alone a doll, a GIRL doll, named for him LOL He had a seafaring connection so that was cool to learn about. I have to look up Sanada Yukimura sometime. I guess I'll have to get Daesani's stock outfit out and spend forEVER getting her into it so they can have some pix together before I find out what other outfits might suit Yuki.
No, the beach isn't walking distance. About 10-15 minutes' drive.


Well, I made it before Saturday this week. July 29 & 30 are the anniversaries of Daesani & Petra's arrivals. TEN YEARS!! I had given up on Petra on eBay when I lost out on her auction (which was going around a 2nd time) and in the meantime I found Dae also on eBay. I got her shipped to Maine for cheaper shipping and some visiting friends brought her, and then in the meantime Petra went around a 3rd time (only time I like non-paying bidders!) and I got her, and she arrived in the mailbox the next day. So I always think they are great pals as the first 2 full-size Pullips in the crew.
These aren't great because the light was going but I was determined to shoot the pic on one of the 2 days.

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week *2024*! (#31, Aug. 1) - by Alliecat - 08-02-2024, 02:42 PM

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