PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week *2024*! (#29, July 20)
I could go off on a ranty tangent... about the Current Administration trying to ban gas appliances; now it makes more sense when looked at from an off-grid, social-control perspective. And about cash giving way to cards... and inevitably, to government-controlled digital currency. And even about having to order and pay for fast food through a friggin' app. I guess the days of functioning in society without having a phone are done and gone. The Mark of the Beast is upon us, and it is the Mobile Device.

But instead of a rant, I'll go all d'awwww over the cute pic of Sunsette and her new kitty friend! Because it's a d'awww-worthy scene! No wonder you're not ready to go home.

Did it take Kitty long to get used to you? He seems to have completely accepted you at this point. I guess you'll have to stay!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!

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RE: PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week *2024*! (#15, Apr. 12) - by davidd - 04-14-2024, 03:43 AM

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