Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event 2014
@true : it wasn't what I expected cause I didn't have customs or good entry's for any thing pluse I didn't bring enough money.

@rayelm : I can't say I remember who you were. I'm sorry, I remember faces more then names
Raye-Lynn, I remember you! You were such a cutie, and I loved your collection! I'm glad that you unlurked/became active here!

I'm glad that Holiday Inn apologized about the confusions, TrueFan. I know that the changes were really stressful, but it seemed like we all handled the hassle with grace.

I know I had a splendid time. Happy I am still going through all of the lovely purchases I made! I was a huge, HUGE fan of the Azone doll seller there. He was a really nice guy, and his products were gorgeous. I hope he comes back next year!

ETA: Meowceline, I saw your post Friday night, before Saturday started. I kept my eye out for you all day, but no one introduced themselves to me as Meowceline! Haha! Where were you sitting? Which dolls did you have with you? Happy
[Image: 12367494213_3f89d3a0da.jpg]
Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
I really enjoyed meeting you too, Raye-Lynn, and you were a great help. I think I probably handled the room change with the least grace! Everyone else was very good-natured about it. I just need a little time to freak out, then I was fine. Next year with luck we will have the whole ballroom!

I'm glad you had a good time Pixachii. The Azone seller is married to Asashi and is one of the six of us who has been to PUDDLE every year! And I fully expect he'll be back next year also. He usually sells the raffle tickets too, but we never got around to giving them to him. He is a terrific guy - I've thought so since year one!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
That's okay, Meowceline. smile There were so many people there both days, it's hard to remember everybody. LOL

I remember you too, Pixachii! I loved the dolls you brought (I think I remember at least two...?) and I think I bought some really cute clothes from you. I went waaaaay over budget at the show, but it was totally worth it; every dealer/attendee brought great things.

I enjoyed meeting you too, TrueFan. smile I enjoyed talking with everybody so much that I'm debating on possibly catching a train so that I might make the Bristol Renaissance Faire meet you have posted.
Ooooh yeah, were you the person who bought the purple Foxi Shop dress from me? The one in this photo, from the shop's listing? https://flic.kr/p/akH97y Happy

Somehow, I surprisingly didn't go over budget at all. I sold enough sundries to cover everything but my new Pullip Galene, so I'm feeling really good about everything! Though, lesson learned: next year, I'm pricing my sellables before I get there. I brought a lot of things to sell, but I was mostly hoping to trade, so I didn't pre-price anything. Whoops! It's definitely more convenient to have that arranged ahead of time. I'll be more prepared next year! Heart
[Image: 12367494213_3f89d3a0da.jpg]
Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
Lol I talked to u about pure neemo bodies and your doll for like 10 mins

(06-10-2014, 08:16 AM)pixachii Wrote: Raye-Lynn, I remember you! You were such a cutie, and I loved your collection! I'm glad that you unlurked/became active here!

I'm glad that Holiday Inn apologized about the confusions, TrueFan. I know that the changes were really stressful, but it seemed like we all handled the hassle with grace.

I know I had a splendid time. Happy I am still going through all of the lovely purchases I made! I was a huge, HUGE fan of the Azone doll seller there. He was a really nice guy, and his products were gorgeous. I hope he comes back next year!

ETA: Meowceline, I saw your post Friday night, before Saturday started. I kept my eye out for you all day, but no one introduced themselves to me as Meowceline! Haha! Where were you sitting? Which dolls did you have with you? Happy
Yup, I did. I love that dress, I'm just trying to figure out who should wear it first. yay

I definitely did not think about bringing things to sell/trade but I will next time. (We had a minor emergency at home before the show, so I was not as prepared as I wanted to be, either.) I'm glad that so many people brought clothes/jewelry/etc. though because that was a huge part of the fun. If I can attend next year I will have to make sure that I can take part in more of the group activities.
OH! Yes, I know exactly who you were now! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were Meowceline! LOL It was a pleasure chatting with you about Pure Neemo bodies; I hope I was able to give you useful advice. Happy Next year, I'll track you down sooner and introduce you around to more lovely doll collectors! No one should feel left out at PUDDLE. ^^

(06-10-2014, 09:14 AM)Meowceline Wrote: Lol I talked to u about pure neemo bodies and your doll for like 10 mins

(06-10-2014, 08:16 AM)pixachii Wrote: Raye-Lynn, I remember you! You were such a cutie, and I loved your collection! I'm glad that you unlurked/became active here!

I'm glad that Holiday Inn apologized about the confusions, TrueFan. I know that the changes were really stressful, but it seemed like we all handled the hassle with grace.

I know I had a splendid time. Happy I am still going through all of the lovely purchases I made! I was a huge, HUGE fan of the Azone doll seller there. He was a really nice guy, and his products were gorgeous. I hope he comes back next year!

ETA: Meowceline, I saw your post Friday night, before Saturday started. I kept my eye out for you all day, but no one introduced themselves to me as Meowceline! Haha! Where were you sitting? Which dolls did you have with you? Happy
[Image: 12367494213_3f89d3a0da.jpg]
Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
next year ... *crosses fingers* ... next year ...
"A tree can't grow without the sun in it's eyes
And we can't live if we're too afraid to die."
~The Black Angels, "Young Men Dead"

(my fishie got bit by a vamp lol)
Meowceline sat with me. We were the table with Wonder Woman, Serpent, and the cat dolls. I had the bottle necklaces for sale. They're still available if anyone missed out on buying one from me during BST. I'll put pictures up of them when I have more time.
I'm an artist. [thread=7257750]~Custom face-up commissions available here~[/thread] ~Commission info and portfolio here~ [thread=7256925]~Art and Commission Thread~[/thread]
[thread=7257414]Little Olly MIO Custom[/thread]
Photo Albums: Sasha Lumina~Ai-Zen (Freya)~Nahh Ato~Serpent~WonderWoman
[thread=7257856]Dolls for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257787]Doll clothes for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257185]Other dolls and items for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257795]Non-Doll items for sale (games, Hello Kitty, etc.)[/thread]
[thread=7257065]Wanted List[/thread]
(06-10-2014, 09:34 AM)pixachii Wrote: OH! Yes, I know exactly who you were now! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were Meowceline! LOL It was a pleasure chatting with you about Pure Neemo bodies; I hope I was able to give you useful advice. Happy Next year, I'll track you down sooner and introduce you around to more lovely doll collectors! No one should feel left out at PUDDLE. ^^

Lol I still didn't see your photos of that body you fixed lol once I get my dolls from my friend I'll message you smile.... Even though I wasn't supper Social I still met some really awesome people like you! I wish we could meet up more then just once a year.
Meowceline, were you wearing glasses and a large black hoodie with white "scribbles" on it during PUDDLE?
(06-10-2014, 11:49 AM)rayelm Wrote: Meowceline, were you wearing glasses and a large black hoodie with white "scribbles" on it during PUDDLE?

Nope, I was the one in the white dress dressed like yui smile

Oh @ true fan - I was told the gift bags that didn't have artwork but a copy of the raffle doll was to latter be replaced? Is this true?
I wish I had done a better job of talking to everyone who attended from the forum. I think I managed to meet most of you at least. It doesn't help that I was still finishing up one of my contest entries on Friday. The time just goes so fast!
Whether you attended last weekend or not, please help us make PUDDLE even better in 2015! Our feedback survey is open until June 20. We'd love to hear from you!


(Please only answer the survey once--we are sending out the link through various channels and you may see it linked multiple times.)
Second-in-Command at PUDDLE and dolly forum lurker.

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