PrettyTiny Film Company Pic-A-Week *2024*! (#36, Sept. 7)
Among the useless, stupid, bad, and downright dangerous advice I've received along the way were a few nuggets of sense, and one was to at least get photos done so a listing could be got up quickly if necessary.  Unfortunately that means packing the clutter from half the house into the other half of the house, a half at a time.  Of course it's all unpacked again now, and thanks to a ridiculously crippling back spasm today, I'm not getting either more clearing or the shower grout job done  sad

Everyone's hair needed combing after their few nights in the tote tub, and Sara's was the hardest to neaten.  It was already floofy when she arrived, and its little kinks make it very hard to comb out smoothly. 
Anyway, here she is doing her nature-mama-goddess thing  LOL

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Nature Goddess looks adorably goddessy and green and good out there in the forest primeval... while you avoid the gruntwork of groutwork.

Caulking and grouting are my least-favorite (more accurately: most despised) home repair tasks. I don't know why, but I just don't like it AT ALL. I'll crawl under the house to work on pipes before I caulk or grout - it's honestly that "yuck" to me. So... good luck with that.

Clever idea, getting your pics taken.

Have you invited a St. Joseph statue in to your home yet?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I don't mind caulking and the grout isn't really messy, just ridiculously tedious. I haven't got back to it yet.

Made it before the end of the week this time. Only because I get one night out of the ghetto tomorrow and won't be able to take a pic.
Found a fairy in the yard.... here is Cygnie.

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What an adorable little fairy, all sparkly and sequin-y!

Pretty cool that you can grow pancakes in your yard!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
Phone snapshot time, with another tail-end-of-the-week pic. I can’t believe it. WHERE did another week go?????  Cry

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Sunsette wonders where everything has gone from the previously unuseable desk, as another round of realtor photos is planned. Thanks to all the clutter, they are being done piecemeal; I have to shift all the junk from one or two rooms into other rooms and then move it all back again. What a PITA.
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I was going to ask what kind of desk this is that actually has a visible top? I don't know that I've ever seen such a thing outside of furniture stores!

But your eksplanation makes sense. It's an artificial and temporary phenomenon.

You know, as you shuffle stuff around, you could be boxing it up rather than just moving it back and forth.

I cleaned off a section of countertop last week and it's already buried again. 'Kay, I'm gonna go clear it off again right now, because, seriously, where did all that stuff come from? I swear, ya set down one thing to put away later and all of a sudden it morphs into a mountain of rubble.

What does Sunsette think about possibly leaving the only home she's ever known?
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
It would be easier -- and feel like there was a point -- boxing stuff up if I had a destination.  As it is, it's hard to know what to keep and what to purge, as there is a lot of stuff that could go either way depending on circumstances. 

(09-02-2024, 02:18 AM)davidd Wrote: What does Sunsette think about possibly leaving the only home she's ever known?
Sunsette has been to Nova Scotia, BC, Chicago twice, Texas twice, Nashville and four Hawaiian islands.  She's a traveller.  It's just another adventure.


I only had 2 successful hatches this year.  Only got 4 caterpillars from the butterfly-gardening lady, and 2 died.  Maybe parasites.  I can NOT get her to understand that taking them in when she finds them, or calling me to do so, rather than leaving them in the garden, would protect more of them from parasitic wasps, and maybe even viruses.
Worst hatching season in ages.  And I didn't get any photos of the second one because he was ready to fly as soon as I took him outside.
So here's Catherine with the year's only butterfly model.

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Your single butterfly model looks like a healthy and robust specimen! I hope it comes back to visit you next spring!
Are the butterflies maturing this late in the season?

I have not seen any monarchs here this season. Usually I see one or two passing through. I had one milkweed plant emerge uneggspectedly and reach a towering height of nearly ten inches.

The hummingbirds are already leaving here, and the pinyon jays are passing through on their way from higher elevations.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
They're beautiful!

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