a swap gift for Veruca
TrueFan: Veruca, look what just arrived for you! Five minutes ago! Your Dal House Forum swap gift.
Veruca: Five minutes? What took you so long to tell me?
[Image: vsa_zps7593d3d0.jpg]

Veruca: Wait, it’s Sunday. I thought there wasn’t any mail on Sunday.
[Image: vsb_zps22844085.jpg]

TrueFan: Um, well, usually there is not, but they knew this package was for you, so they made a special delivery.
Veruca: Well, that makes sense.
[Note from TrueFan: under no circumstances let Veruca know her package has been here for more than a week!]
[Image: vsc_zps01809f8d.jpg]

Oompa-Loompas: We wanna help! We wanna help!
[Image: vsd_zps75b2774d.jpg]

Veruca: Of course you can help!
[Image: vse_zpse6c32101.jpg]

Veruca: Or, do all the work while I stand by.
[Image: vsf_zpscc6afb63.jpg]

Veruca: Hmm, these gifts had better be chocolate-y enough.
TrueFan: Veruca! Don’t be so rude!
[Image: vsg_zps321febc1.jpg]

Veruca: Wow! Even I am overwhelmed by this bounty of presents!
[Image: vsh_zpsbf290f73.jpg]

Willy Wonka: So nice of TrueFan to finally debox me so I would be available for Veruca’s photo shoot.
Oompa-Loompas: Who spoiled her, then? Ah, who indeed? Who pandered to her every need? Who turned her into such a brat? Who are the culprits? Who did that?
[Image: vsi_zps8e5072b3.jpg]

Veruca: Hi, brother! Indeed, I am feeling spoiled! But of course I deserve it.
[Image: vsj_zps58e249cd.jpg]

Veruca: What a gorgeous chocolate brown dress. Just my style!
[Image: vsk_zps486fdf48.jpg]

Veruca: A cute bag of fabric chocolates.
[Image: vsl_zpse7c7dbb1.jpg]

Veruca: Oh, an adorable chocolate-colored pet!
[Image: vsm_zps7915f19b.jpg]

Veruca: Wow, look at this beautiful headpiece!
[Image: vsn_zps651133ec.jpg]

Veruca: Matching chocolate and pink bloomers! And a petticoat so my skirt will floof!
[Image: vso_zps7cc66db9.jpg]

Veruca: Here, I will be generous and let you have these.
TrueFan: Gee, thanks, so generous since you don’t eat. They do look yummy though.
[Image: vsp_zps61a57ae2.jpg]

Veruca: Now, try everything on me. Now!! Now now now!!
TrueFan: *munch munch* Okay, okay. Just let me wipe the chocolate off my hands.
[Image: vsq_zpsf71183c3.jpg]

Headpiece and dress.
[Image: vsr_zps21bfd6b7.jpg]

[Image: vss_zps7a9d3bae.jpg]

With the adorable bolero.
[Image: vst_zps50ec28b3.jpg]

And finally the bag of chocolates and the chocolate pet.
[Image: vsu_zpsc9658740.jpg]

Willy Wonka: Veruca, you are beautiful in your swap outfit.
[Image: vsv_zps64163640.jpg]

Veruca: I am, am I not?
[Image: vsw_zps7050d354.jpg]

Veruca: I am pleased! Thank you, Cosette and CornflowerBlue. You’ve achieved the near impossible and given me the perfect gifts!
[Image: vsx_zpsfb6dcb44.jpg]

Bonus sibling shots:
[Image: vsy_zpseaf08a86.jpg]

[Image: vsz_zps9052206f.jpg]

Thanks, CornflowerBlue!! I love everything!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Veruca is definitely one of your most beautiful girls! And I'm so in love with that outfit...Cornflower Blue is so talented!


Nice to see her reunited with her older bro!
Currently playing:  Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw:  Parasite
I agree that CornflowerBlue is talented! Thanks!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
I'm glad I was able to pick the right colors for Veruca, not having an Angry around to see how it would look on her. And you are both too kind. blush Oh, and that furry thing on the headband clips on, so you can take it off and substitute something else if you want.
Cornflower Blue made that dress?! It's gorgeous! And so is your little Veruca...

La la la, I don't know. The world forget... Feel like so!

Life's too short for ugly dolls!
looks very good on her.
What a regrettably large head you have. I would very much like to hat it. I used to hat The White Queen, you know.

and awesome swap box! smile

that dress ... *swoons*
"A tree can't grow without the sun in it's eyes
And we can't live if we're too afraid to die."
~The Black Angels, "Young Men Dead"

(my fishie got bit by a vamp lol)
Cute shoot! Your dolls' characters are spot on as always! I really enjoyed all the dialogue.
That dress is fantastic! Veruca really is a very lucky Dal.
She is very lucky. Thanks for the comments, everyone!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
That;s an awesome outfit smile She looks lovely!

Funny how Veruca is very dominating, what a personality! LOL
I love her swap outfit! Looks great on her Happy
[My Flickr]
ISO: Pullip Yuki stock wig / Pullip Panda glasses / Dal Tweety stock outfit / Byul Secomi stock outfit

My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
That dress is so cute! I love Veruca. So funny! (:

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