Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event 2014
Friday Tea is one of the best parts of Puddle. I normally do dinner with my fiance after Puddle to make sure he doesn't feel too left out, but there's a group dinner following Puddle with more unofficial Puddle hanging out after. It's super fun and when we start talking about things outside of the dolly world. It's a great time for me because it's when I start to feel like I'm really getting to know people.

Pixachii, I'm really excited that you'll be there and you're bringing friends smile I'm kind of flattered you were hoping I'd be there. Is there any one of my dolls that you'd like to see? I really want to see your Maisie!
Currently reading: The Friday Society
Only five months to PUDDLE 2014! Time to start thinking about whether you are attending and which contests to enter. New this year is a Best in Theme contest. The winner will receive a mint Kuhn Pullip! (The doll was given to me by Groove USA to review and I am donating her to PUDDLE.) The winning entry may also be an entry in one of the traditional contests, or it may be something entirely new (like a rainbow diorama for dolls to pose against). Use your imagination and you may win!

See the website for more information about PUDDLE (http://puddlestyle.com/) or join the forum if you are seeking a ride, riders, or roommates (http://puddle.forumotion.com). If you are on facebook, you can join the facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/149743208427307). If you’d like to receive email updates, send me your email address.

We are always looking for new vendors!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
I'm not sure why, but I've received the email blast of your above message 15 time now on my yahoo account. I know you want me to come to PUDDLE, but really! LOL Anywho, I thought you might want to know in case you want to check and make sure something weird isn't happening with the email account you're sending from. Otherwise, maybe yahoo is being weird.
Ack! I just got about 15 delivery failures from a yahoo account that is no longer active. I didn't do anything I don't normally do - just sent it from my hotmail account. It's probably something on yahoo's end (although that won't make it any less annoying). Sorry!!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Anyone in WI heading to PUDDLE this year? It'll be my first time attending. I live on the southside of Kenosha and would be willing to give you some money for gas for picking my butt up. Tongue I'm excited to meet everyone in person!
Penelope (Nero), Esme (Papin), Payton (Celsiy), Shelby (Lizbel), Mason (Neo Noir), Aggie (Mercu), Cricket (Heiwa), Lucian (Ni-Ya), Theo (Rayne), Daisy (Dumbo), Iggy (Fanatica), Willow (China China)
My Flickr
YAY!!! I'm so glad you're going, Lyricsoul!!! Heart I was rooting to see you there too!! I sure hope you bring Cricket and Shelby along!

(Another person I'm really hoping can make it is Whimsu! -crosses fingers- Special 3 )

ByronicHeronie, I would sure love to meet your Blanche (I think her name is Laura?). She is always so lovely in your photos. blush And of course Maisie will be there! LOL She is one of my very favorite dolls, and I'd love the chance to share the Yeolume love.

True, I only got the email once, so fortunately, I don't think this was a widespread glitch. Maybe it only affected Yahoo usernames on your mailing list?

I am so excited, you guys. I really can't wait to meet everyone!
[Image: 12367494213_3f89d3a0da.jpg]
Pullip & Co: Myufish Custom: Josie, Aquel: Rhapsody, Celsiy: Miri, Galene: Lark
Ra Muw: Winifred, Dotori: Chloe, Yeolume Podo: Maisie Jane, Neko Mao: Nico, Tiger Lily: Autumn
Blythe: Simply Delight: Mika, Puchippu Chappu Pepa: Rumiko
I also got the email only once, True.

I'm excited to meet everyone, too! Yay, lyric!! Can't wait to met you IRL!
(01-05-2014, 07:25 AM)lyricsoul Wrote: Anyone in WI heading to PUDDLE this year? It'll be my first time attending. I live on the southside of Kenosha and would be willing to give you some money for gas for picking my butt up. Tongue I'm excited to meet everyone in person!
I definitely recommend posting in the forum. It is never very active, but it gets more so closer to the event.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
(01-05-2014, 06:19 AM)TrueFan Wrote: See the website for more information about PUDDLE (http://puddlestyle.com/) or join the forum if you are seeking a ride, riders, or roommates (http://puddle.forumotion.com). If you are on facebook, you can join the facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/149743208427307). If you’d like to receive email updates, send me your email address.

Hey True, are there parts of the PUDDLE forum that are hidden/approved-access only? I'm only seeing photo contests and the welcome message. Where do people post if they're looking for rides or roommates?
Did you register? You do need to register and log in.

It looks like you are registered - are you still logged in?
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Aha! It must have just been that my registration needed to be approved. I can see all the relevant subforums now. Thanks!
i'm going to try very hard to go! flights from la to chicago are cheap and my brother-in-law lives in chicago and mr, kaninchen and i have been meaning to visit for ages anyway. hooray!
OMG IS IT TRUE? Are we finally going to meet IRL, kaninchen?! yay

You guys. This is going to be the most EPIC. PUDDLE. EVAR.
i'm so excited i could squee. wait, i already did. we're buying airfare at the end of the month!
Wow! This is going to a super full Puddle!! I can't wait! I'm so looking forward to meeting all of you!
Currently reading: The Friday Society

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