01-15-2014, 01:24 PM
Pardon the cross-posting--if you visit the Dal House, then you've probably already seen this. Just thought I'd share over here too. When I'm not on this board, I'm either over at Den of Angels or The Dal House. Tekka-Maki participated in a "choose your own theme" holiday swap...and received pokemon gifts from Malarkey the Dal & True Fan.

KiraKira: Look what came in the mail for you!
Tekka-Maki: Don't mean to be rude, but I'm trying to beat the last one of the Elite 4!
KiraKira: ----
A bit later...

Tekka-Maki: Oh, look, it's my holiday swap gift from True Fan & Malarkey! Why didn't you tell me that it arrived?! It's a good thing you're a bit slow in taking down our Christmas decorations. I can have a special little Christmas just for me!
So what are we waiting for? Go get the scissors and let's crack this baby open!

Tekka-Maki: Look at all this stuff! We have a Christmas ornament and a doll with ice skates. She's so cute!
KiraKira: I'm pretty sure that "doll" is an ornament for MY Christmas tree...
Tekka-Maki:: No, she's no ornament, she's my dolly.
(I'm not going to argue with a Dal--that would be a foolish endeavor. So a doll it is).

Tekka-Maki: Let's start with the biggest one in the bunch--it looks like it could be a toy!
(For a ninja, she sure has wonderful insight into presents).

Tekka-Maki: And I was right! I told you it would be a toy. This is Reshiram--he's a legendary pokemon who can control the weather. He's very powerful and is strong against electric, bug, fire, steel and grass type attacks! He's also the perfect size for my ice-skating doll to ride on!

Tekka-Maki: Here you go, this chocolate Santa must be for you.
KiraKira: How giving of you. Don't mind if I do!

Tekka-Maki: Wow! This is so perfect--I even look like a true Pokemon Trainer now. The other kids will be so jealous..."

Tekka-Maki: And look! Red & White boots!

Tekka-Maki: I can still do my ninja kicks and they stay on my feet!

Tekka-Maki: One last gift to go...I wonder what it is? Well, only one way to find out!

Insert unintelligible squeeing by Tekka-Maki & KiraKira here

Thank you so much, TrueFan & Malarkey! I love everything--I knew that this theme was a difficult one, not very easy to find things for, but you have outdone yourself! The pokeball t-shirt and jeans fit perfectly and the pikachu hat is beyond cute. May I ask who you commissioned?
The chocolate santa made a yummy breakfast, and shoes are always in short supply here and they fit the chubby obitsu feet well. My son is "borrowing" the Pokemon Reshiram toy but it's OK, since Tekka-Maki is quite happy with her ice-skating "doll". :LOL:
Thanks again, I am already looking forward to the next swap!

KiraKira: Look what came in the mail for you!
Tekka-Maki: Don't mean to be rude, but I'm trying to beat the last one of the Elite 4!
KiraKira: ----
A bit later...

Tekka-Maki: Oh, look, it's my holiday swap gift from True Fan & Malarkey! Why didn't you tell me that it arrived?! It's a good thing you're a bit slow in taking down our Christmas decorations. I can have a special little Christmas just for me!
So what are we waiting for? Go get the scissors and let's crack this baby open!

Tekka-Maki: Look at all this stuff! We have a Christmas ornament and a doll with ice skates. She's so cute!
KiraKira: I'm pretty sure that "doll" is an ornament for MY Christmas tree...
Tekka-Maki:: No, she's no ornament, she's my dolly.
(I'm not going to argue with a Dal--that would be a foolish endeavor. So a doll it is).

Tekka-Maki: Let's start with the biggest one in the bunch--it looks like it could be a toy!
(For a ninja, she sure has wonderful insight into presents).

Tekka-Maki: And I was right! I told you it would be a toy. This is Reshiram--he's a legendary pokemon who can control the weather. He's very powerful and is strong against electric, bug, fire, steel and grass type attacks! He's also the perfect size for my ice-skating doll to ride on!

Tekka-Maki: Here you go, this chocolate Santa must be for you.
KiraKira: How giving of you. Don't mind if I do!

Tekka-Maki: Wow! This is so perfect--I even look like a true Pokemon Trainer now. The other kids will be so jealous..."

Tekka-Maki: And look! Red & White boots!

Tekka-Maki: I can still do my ninja kicks and they stay on my feet!

Tekka-Maki: One last gift to go...I wonder what it is? Well, only one way to find out!

Insert unintelligible squeeing by Tekka-Maki & KiraKira here

Thank you so much, TrueFan & Malarkey! I love everything--I knew that this theme was a difficult one, not very easy to find things for, but you have outdone yourself! The pokeball t-shirt and jeans fit perfectly and the pikachu hat is beyond cute. May I ask who you commissioned?
The chocolate santa made a yummy breakfast, and shoes are always in short supply here and they fit the chubby obitsu feet well. My son is "borrowing" the Pokemon Reshiram toy but it's OK, since Tekka-Maki is quite happy with her ice-skating "doll". :LOL:
Thanks again, I am already looking forward to the next swap!
Currently playing: Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw: Parasite
Friend Code 2036-6707-2961 (KiraKira)
Currently reading: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Last movie I saw: Parasite