Show your new Doll!
Chihiro, she came out gorgeous!
Samira says "Thank you everyone ^___^"

Haha LOL smile <3

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

- The Girls -
Veritas My Melody x 2 Hello Kitty x 2
Nina Chill x 2 Papin Fanatica Nana Chan
Greggia Nahh-Ato x 4 Ddalgi Stella Sfoglia
Lunatic Queen x 2 Peter Pan '14 Kirakishou Nanette
La Robe Vert Clair Favorite Ribbon Prupate x 2
Yeolume x 2 Puki JouJou x 2 Maretti
Sucre Chanti Heart Macaron

[Image: 25zqs0p.png]

>> Click to add me on Flickr <<
>> Click to add me on Tumblr <<

Chihiro, she's lovely! All Nahh needs is a matted face and better lipstick, and she's perfect! I love your faceups!

Forever Home:
Nina Nina, Dan Sage, Luciano Cavalie, Claudia Nero
Deirdre Carol, Drew Andrew, Kalel Dilettante
Kieran Raiki, Preston Alberic,
Sky Arion Angela Neo Angelique

[Image: image-7.jpg]
Violetta just joined her hip sisters, she is my favorite from the tokidoki collab series. I love her faceup and stock,this may be my favorite doll released this year. I have great new for those who were curious, her wig is better just like Lunarosa's wig.
Scarlettb's pullip doll reviews on youtube!

Loving the triplets!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Her wig does look really nice and the threesome together make a great set!
My Nomado from ebay arrived earlier this week. She came with partial stock (missing shoes and coat), and an extra outfit and wig. Seeing as how she has the type 2 body, I removed her from it immediately. I felt bad leaving her as just a floating head, so I put her on a monster high CAM body to see how she'd look. Of course it doesn't match her skin tone at all, heh, but I figured it'd be cute. I'm pretending she's a siren since she's got blue hair and the CAM sea monster limbs.
[Image: Nomado_MH.png]

I've pinned the bangs back on the wig for now rather than cutting them since I'm not sure yet if I'll use this wig just for her or for any future dolls instead.
I'm an artist. [thread=7257750]~Custom face-up commissions available here~[/thread] ~Commission info and portfolio here~ [thread=7256925]~Art and Commission Thread~[/thread]
[thread=7257414]Little Olly MIO Custom[/thread]
Photo Albums: Sasha Lumina~Ai-Zen (Freya)~Nahh Ato~Serpent~WonderWoman
[thread=7257856]Dolls for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257787]Doll clothes for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257185]Other dolls and items for sale[/thread]
[thread=7257795]Non-Doll items for sale (games, Hello Kitty, etc.)[/thread]
[thread=7257065]Wanted List[/thread]
That is really awesome smile I wish I would have gotten a Nomado early on. Spoil your girls!
Currently reading: The Friday Society
Lovely picture Cosmic, your Tokidokis look SO precious together Heart 2 I need Violetta so bad now! haha

Meanwhile, look who finally showed up:

[Image: 2d1afyg.jpg]

SHE'S SO PRETTY I COULD DIE. I can't even name her yet, no name seems good enough LOL
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
(05-10-2014, 02:50 AM)Missy_Crane Wrote: Lovely picture Cosmic, your Tokidokis look SO precious together Heart 2 I need Violetta so bad now! haha

Meanwhile, look who finally showed up:

[Image: 2d1afyg.jpg]

SHE'S SO PRETTY I COULD DIE. I can't even name her yet, no name seems good enough LOL

Oh she is beautiful *.*

I got my Alice on Tuesday. I am so happy with her <3 Oh and she is my first Pullip doll.

[Image: 14150414313_95e5e7590d.jpg]
[Image: 14127354752_171a6190e6.jpg]
And here are more photos of her: My lovely Alice
omg congratulations Missy_Crane, she looks lovely! I am so happy she made it to you. smile
Scarlettb's pullip doll reviews on youtube!

Guess who came home yesterday?

[Image: DSCN0354.jpg]

Taeyang will become Lestat and pullip Princess ann is my new nova doll and my nova is becoming yui from sward art online. ill have a profile for all of them soon so every one can see them smile
Thanks guys!! ^____^ Major Isoldey pic spam to follow as soon as I get a spare afternoon xDDD

Zatelsa major congrats on your first pullip!! You chose a beautiful one too; Classical Alice is sadly underrated because there are so many Pullip Alice releases, but in my personal opinion she's the prettiest. I have a CA named Ally and I'm hoping to get her a new wig soon to change up her look smile Do you know yet if you want to keep your girl fully stock?

Meowceline I never noticed before, but Butler really does look perfect for the name Lestat! LOL Congratulations on your 2 new gorgeous members of the family.
Pullips: Langley(Asuka), Maddie(Merl), Ophelia(Tiphona), Camille(Kiyomi), Ally(Classical Alice), Roz(Rosalind), Nate(Nosferatu), Eirwen(Snow White), Mariette(Milk Latte), Lily(Puki), Nataleigh(Nanette), Courtney(Reg Fan), Nami(Rei), Fleur(Luna), , Tiberius(Tantus), Petunia (Jouet 2.0),  Vanessa(BRH), Mary(Oui'Vera), Hugo(Gyro), Bella(Chibi Risa), Nicki(NekoMao), Sunny(Raphia), Dorian(Custom), Odette(Isolde), Aisha(Nahh), Lian(China), Maaya(Nina), Haruka(Purezza), Hero(Apollo), Cecily(Sfoglia), Carly(Podo), Suri(Blackberry), Dominique(Shinku), Temperance(Veritas), Clair(Violetta), Bonnie(Hello Kitty), Emily(Si'Anna), September(Fourrure), Natsume(Summer Purezza), Cherami(Akemi), Kate(Paja), Lizzy(Elisabeth), Crissy(Papin), Siegfried(Arion), Andromeda(Ra Muw), Wanda(Hermine), Odile(Adsiltia), Daisy(Leroy), Maggie(RQ), Cissa(Chibi Risa), Sam(Mao), Amelia(Sailor Saturn), Susan(Silane), Nora(Alura), Momo(Youtsuzu), Hanzo(Okita)
-jealous of everyone's new dolls-

They're all so beautiful! smile
*My dolls*
Evie -Kiyomi- River -Lunatic Queen- Hecate -Bloody RR- Lotti -Classical Alice- Lucina -Neo Noir-

Sigma -Gackt- Kaidan -Kain- Crow -Sebastian Private Tutor- Ghost -Hitsugi- Giles -Gyro- Dixon -Valko- Tora -Mad Hatter-
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Not a new doll, but I finally got new wigs for Cavalie and Naomi. :3

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