Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018
Such an emo Clawdeen! She looks totally over whatever is happening in her life smile smile
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
Emo Clawdeen, now with Instagram-style filters! Gotta love that Lomo vignetting! Totally on-trend, as should be expected from the fiercest of the fabulous fashionistas!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I love the giant Frankie pic, the composition is great and I chuckled a little when I saw it! LOL

and the ones of Clawdeen *__* are so atmospheric
The collection of Steampunk dolls is awesome! I also enjoy seeing your photo setup. And I love Clawdeen, emo mode or not.
Emo Clawdeen looks so pensive and pretty in the filtered photo!
Lejays - haha, I know, right? LOL

davidd - 'fierce' and 'emo' don't usually go together, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Clawdeen!

toylockette - thank you!!!

Cornflower Blue - thanks!!!

GreysPrincess - thank you!!!

Day 245

I love Romantic Alice Monochrome's outfit. The pinafore is gorgeous, and the basic dress is also gorgeous. Sometimes I want to get second Rom-Mono Alice, to be able to have one displayed with pinafore and one without it, lol. I love this doll.

[Image: a8133557eef388f2250aa22b6c5863f3.jpg]
Oh my! I do not think I have seen a photo of this Alice variant before. I've definitely not seen a photo like this, that shows just how charming and pretty she is! I can see why you are tempted to get another one!

I had duplicates of one of my Pullip dolls that I really liked, but I ended up selling off the duplicate... and have regretted it ever since. I'm hoping to replace her one of these days.

This is a lovely photo, and makes yet another Pullip seem almost irresistibly enchanting!
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
I agree, Clawdeen looks rather bored with whatever's going on that she's waiting for. LOL
And Alice looks very thoughtful.
[Image: 52753689362_648099ee70_o.jpg]
[Image: 52754230731_a6068b46d4_o.jpg][Image: 50534896333_d4a2b8e718_o.jpg][Image: 52754472289_1f6d6c34b1_o.jpg][Image: 49782607208_b108a0ee26_o.jpg]
Sepia Alice is very sweet looking.
My Girls: Alice Mint du Jardine (Lottie), Brand New Purrezza (Amelia), Ayanamei Rei (Evie), Princess Ann/Roman Holiday (Kit), Aquel (Becky), Scarlet (Izzy), Meg (Jo-Meg), Laura (Antimony), Nahh-Ato (Shala), Chicca (Maeve), Peter Pan (Meredith), VeryBerryPop (Daisy), SDCC2016 Wonder Woman (Diana), Taffy (Tansy), Amelia (Beatrice), Steampunk Cheshire Cat (Antoinette), Arietta (Ashli), Naoko (Zoey), Mocha MIO (Nyxie), Steampunk Mad Hatter (Hattie), Sapphire Princess Knight (Roni), Steampunk Alice (Lizette), Asoka Sorayu (Nova), Steampunk Taeyang Dodo (Theodore), Steampunk Isul White Rabbit (Finn), Tiphona (Felicity), Anthy Himemiya (Ester), Mocha MIO (honey), Alte (Bethan)
davidd - thank you!!! I did use her as model before, in day 106 and 122 photos and she also appeared in group photos in day 144 (my 1st Pullip anniversary) and 185 (Alice In Wonderland Day). But she was wearing her pinafore in all of them.

Alliecat - haha! I think she's pondering what kind of sweets will go best with her tea yay

Lejays - thanks! I love her gothic lolita style. I htink she kinda gets overshadowed by blue and pink versions, but I like this one the best!

Day 246

[Image: 5be6562aea63c6beea6b15898cc20a43.jpg]

DC Superhero Girls signature Bumblebee. To be honest, superheroes aren't my thing (not that I dislike those stories or anything, I'm simply uninterested in them), I just wanted some of these dolls because I like their bodies and their ability to stand on their own. I don't even know if the line is still going, I lost interest in it when Mattel started watering them down after the first wave and kept releasing core characters and nobody else.
I love these dolls! They definitely do release way too many of the core characters, though. I’ve decided I would keep up with collecting the signature versions and maybe a handful of the Wonder Woman releases; I think right now I’ve got everyone but Cheetah, whose playline version must not have fully hit the market quite yet judging by prices.

Sorry for nerding out; I’m a little obsessed.
I apologize for not recognizing your Alice, who has appeared four times previously! I don't have a very good eye for details, apparently!

You, however, have an excellent eye for detail, as today's photo illustrates! Bumblebee looks all neat and tidy against the black backdrop, which effectively contrasts with her yellow and gold highlights.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
GreysPrincess - I hope you can get Cheetah soon!

davidd - what?! You mean you don't know all of the 246 photos I posted so far perfectly from memory? Pfffft. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
KIDDING! Don't apologize, I just posted those links in case you wanted to see more of her Happy And thank you very much! yay

Day 247

[Image: 40a9d60014e5a655c2a37f49f96f5b78.jpg]

DC Superhero Girls signature Poison Ivy. And that was my whole DCSHG 'collection' LOL
I did go back and look at all those links. They are quite wonderful photos.
It's interesting how Pullips can look so different from different angles or with slight changes to the hairstyle and outfits.
Of course, I know there are people who can identify individual Pullip releases even after they have had wig and eye changes.
I am not one of those people.

Now, bright green "Playline" dolls are more my style.
This is a cute pic of Poison Ivy. I like the way her bright colors "pop" against the dark background.
They're not dolls, they're action figures!
davidd - Happy I have a huge soft spot for redheads in green Heart

Day 248

Lately, all my photos were featuring whole figure, so I decided to 'get closer to my doll' for once.

[Image: bc26472c7a10874423cda26553f12cab.jpg]

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