Ashtur meets Zenith
Despite the six-foot high mounds of snow, I was determined to do a photo shoot today! Ashtur is a full custom by myufish; Zenith is a Lunatic Alice with face modified by myufish. Thanks for reading!

"What a gorgeous day! And so invigorating!"
[Image: arrzenithsm1.jpg]

"Hello, Ashtur."
[Image: arrzenithsm2.jpg]

"Eeek! Oh, no."
"Do you know who I am?"
[Image: arrzenithsm3.jpg]

"I'm guessing you are my sister."
[Image: arrzenithsm4.jpg]

"That is correct. I also am a child of the angel Gabriel."
[Image: arrzenithsm5.jpg]

"I am Zenith."
[Image: arrzenithsm6.jpg]

"A child of Gabriel and a human."
[Image: arrzenithsm7.jpg]

"That is correct but irrelevant."
[Image: arrzenithsm8.jpg]

*Sigh* "Why are you here?"
[Image: arrzenithsm9.jpg]

"Father is not happy."
[Image: arrzenithsm10.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm11.jpg]

"Father is not happy with you."
[Image: arrzenithsm12.jpg]

"Me? What'd I do?"
[Image: arrzenithsm13.jpg]

"You are wasting your time in frivolous pursuits. Looking for a girlfriend, for example. You should engage in nobler tasks."
[Image: arrzenithsm14.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm15.jpg]

"What could be nobler than the pursuit of true looove?"
[Image: arrzenithsm16.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm17.jpg]

"Oh, brother."
[Image: arrzenithsm18.jpg]

"Oh, brother – was that a joke?"
[Image: arrzenithsm19.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm20.jpg]

""I guess not. Lighten up!"
[Image: arrzenithsm21.jpg]

"Angels are not required to have a sense of humor."
[Image: arrzenithsm22.jpg]

*Thinking* How'm I ever going to get a relationship started with Miss Gloom and Doom hanging around?"
[Image: arrzenithsm23.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm24.jpg]

"Well, come on! Let's go inside and get warmed up."
[Image: arrzenithsm25.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm26.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm27.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm28.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm29.jpg]

[Image: arrzenithsm30.jpg]

My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
love asthurs clothes<3 and he is gorgeous btw^^
Thanks! Aside from the scarf and hat, they came with him from his previous owner (although his faceup was redone since then).
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Ahahah! Zenith really has the perfect face for the stare of doom.

The ending is just adorable, though. <3
Oooh I love her eyes! XD And they're so cute together. :3
Thank you both! Their eyes are from CoolCat, with foil backing. Not usually my favorite, but it works for both of them. She definitely has the stare of doom.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
They make cute siblings. Does this mean we'll get to see Ashtur's girlfriend soon?
lol so cute yay "the stare of DOOM " so perfectly executed !
Cornflower Blue: Ashtur's girl is ready to go, but she's really a warm (or warmer) weather girl. I may not do her arrival story until the snow melts.

myufish: Thanks!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Haha I was giggling all the way through this! I knew their meeting would be mildly epic! LOL It's amazing how two siblings can have such opposite personalities...
Thanks! They certainly are very different.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
They make very cute siblings!! I can't wait to see his girlfriend.
Wow, they're so beautiful! Love the eyes.
[Image: signature.jpg]
Thank you!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Oh my goodness, they are both STUNNING Heart 2

Who were they originally?
My dolls:Samara (Sfoglia), Mara (Custom), Corey (Seiran), Shizu (Yuki), Anomaly (Lunatic Alice), Aiden (Naomi), Sadie (Zuora),
Crimson (Lunatic Queen), Amalia (Elisabeth), Bloody Mary (Mir), Lana (Eos), Jareth (Sebastian), Dante (Butler), Tarja (Tiphona), Cassidy (Jaldet), Elliott (Naomi), Snookie (Chelsea), Lazulie (Another Alice), Silence (Regen Noir)

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