Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event 2014
We do wear nametags. Everyone in the room is required to wear a nametag.

I'm sorry it wasn't what you expected, Meowceline. If you have some specific suggestions on how we can make it better, please let us know.

Those present at PUDDLE know we somehow ended up in the smaller half of the large meeting room instead of the half we are usually in. I heard back from hotel staff today. The employee I communicated with about the room and who confirmed that I had Woodfield B actually put us in the system as having Woodfield A. She parted company with the Holiday Inn soon after (I'm guessing involuntarily) and no one caught the mistake. So it was an honest mistake, and the current manager apologized (for the room, for the Styrofoam cups on Saturday, and for the less-than-friendly desk clerk Friday night).
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2024. The theme is Retro Memories Sweet Sixteen.

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RE: Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event 2014 - by TrueFan - 06-10-2014, 07:06 AM

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