New Rule regarding counterfeits, fakies and recasts
We don't have a huge Blythe presence here, at this time we do not even have an active dedicated Blythe moderator. Acker/Jecci 5/Blybe/Bassak CCE/Icy are all considered to be fakies are not allowed, yes they are also customizable but so are fakie My Little Ponies Sweatdrop . I actually quite like them customized but they are still not allowed, in part or in whole (scalps/bodies/whatever).

Tangkou are allowed, they are considered to be their own doll line.

The problem with a definitive list is the second we posted it people would be looking for loopholes, we (the mod team) are all volunteers we are probably not going to know every single doll line ever made I had never even heard of Acker before.

Again this ban just pertains to sales, pictures can still be posted they just can't be sold here.

We'll deal with the other issue on a case by case basis.
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[Image: 6298891632_a2df2e3dbd.jpg]
Ordered: Dollzone Venus Halo, Halo and Halo Strayer 

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RE: New Rule regarding counterfeits, fakies and recasts - by Hina Ichigo - 02-14-2014, 03:18 AM

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