My wonderful Lily <3 (Basaak fakie)
I got the second Dolly Wardrobe dress I had trouble getting as it was sent back the first time. Now it is finally here and so so beautiful <3. I love the Cu Cù dress in this colour too. I'm positive I will need this dress in more colours in future ^-^. Anyway, poor Lily haven't had a photoshoot for a long while so it's about time smile. She is a fakie but she is a myufish custom and still one of my favourite dolls.

[Image: 14443513150_6d795f4ce8_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14629707412_fc386d84da_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14443755877_47d953b2f9_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14443546789_73e65cb40b_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14443542278_e824c165c8_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
[Image: 14443538519_75458de807_z.jpg]Lily by Buzzingbumblebee, on Flickr
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:
She's such a cutie pie~ smile
Penelope (Nero), Esme (Papin), Payton (Celsiy), Shelby (Lizbel), Mason (Neo Noir), Aggie (Mercu), Cricket (Heiwa), Lucian (Ni-Ya), Theo (Rayne), Daisy (Dumbo), Iggy (Fanatica), Willow (China China)
My Flickr
She looks so sweet and innocent.
She looks great. Hard to tell she is a Basaak.
Her eyelids are so precious! <33

Her lips are really cute too smile

[Image: tumblr_m2313bJDaG1qfamg6.png][Image: tumblr_lkqzdsu2he1qi6qow.gif][Image: tumblr_lkl6qodkIv1qfamg6.png]
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Flickr
[Image: tumblr_inline_mpedggLYdS1qz4rgp.gif]My Instagram
[Image: tumblr_lqlg8cr6SL1ql1l0v.gif]

1957-2016 ♥
1949-2018 ♥♥

Those lips! She looks really cute in that dress, I love the fact that it goes Along so well with her faceup yay
[Image: Untitled_3.png]
Thank you everyone <3. She is so precious ^-^. She really is innocent as well smile.
Call me Bee =(^-^)=
My Blythe customising blog:

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