Jinxedorchid's new arrivals! (Almost an arrival story)
A big box of dolly excitement arrived from Japan today!

[Image: image.jpg2_zpspklbjglb.jpg]

There's two dolls..

[Image: image.jpg3_zps2c8536uh.jpg]

A third hiding underneath..

[Image: image.jpg4_zps60kb8zz2.jpg]

Mishti is glad that those girls are finally out of his box that I ordered for him with the extra exciting foreign newspaper inside!

[Image: image.jpg8_zpsvfejjdtw.jpg]

Masala and the Circus Troupe are concerned about where the new girls have gone

[Image: image.jpg7_zps8wgfsxei.jpg]

There they are!

[Image: image.jpg9_zpse6abu6ja.jpg]

Too much excitement for the day. The kitties are exhausted.

[Image: image.jpg1_zpsorkwe51q.jpg]

[Image: image.jpg1_zpsltewbk8q.jpg]
Heart 2 Wishing for: Optical Queen, Undertaker, and Mayle Heart 2

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Jinxedorchid's new arrivals! (Almost an arrival story) - by Jinxedorchid - 06-10-2015, 03:06 PM

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