Atlanta Ball Jointed Doll Convention ????
Okay I have a ton of questions so bear with me >.<

First I was wondering if anyone was going to the Atlanta Ball Jointed Doll convention in GA and if you've been to this specific convention before?

I'd also like to know what expect at a doll convention especially since I've never been to a BJD convention before and have been pondering whether or not I should set up a vendor table?....

Also if your at a Dolly convention what are some of your favorite dolly items to buy in the artist alley?

Much appreciated any answers I could get. Heart 2 Heart 2 Heart 2
I'm very interested in this, I heard about it at Anime Weekend Atlanta this weekend. I might possibly be going.
I'm going one day. I know most of the local girls that will be there. Everyone is very nice and welcoming. I know we have more than just BJD at our monthly meets

Hi Ya'll So I recently made Facebook page for the Georgia people in the Bjd hobby if you want to join it's here:

Just so it's easier for anyone in the area that wants to do a meetup, trade or sale LOL

Btw I wasn't sure where to put this post so if it's in the wrong place i'm sorry slash
Advice... I read of a ball-jointed doll event recently where they had security people with guns drag away someone they thought had recasts (but she didn't!) and she was traumatized into leaving the hobby. So I guess don't bring recasts? And keep an eye on your dolls, the Stolen Dolls thread had a lot walk off at meetups.
(03-11-2016, 02:04 PM)fishy Wrote: Advice... I read of a ball-jointed doll event recently where they had security people with guns drag away someone they thought had recasts (but she didn't!) and she was traumatized into leaving the hobby.

Even if she had recasts, did that really warrant removal by armed guards? Over-reaction much? frown
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
They weren't even recasts. They were older legit dolls.

This was not at the Atlanta Con.

(03-12-2016, 01:54 AM)vertefae Wrote: They weren't even recasts. They were older legit dolls.

This was not at the Atlanta Con.

I found the information. They owe her more than a paltry refund for a FALSE accusation.

Is there a reason everyone's avoiding the name/location? It's public knowledge (as a quick Bing search revealed) and the post on DoA can be viewed without being logged in.
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
I couldn't remember the name for sure. ^^; I think that it was Resin Rose or something like that, but I'm just being too lazy to Google it.

I'm still kind of bewildered that it even happened. I wouldn't treat a con attendee that way even if they were literally dealing meth to the other con goers.
Wow, after reading that DOA thread I would not want to attend that convention. I can't imagine, as the organizer of an event myself, having security haul someone away on the suspicion of dolls being recasts.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
For anyone who hasn't seen the thread, here it is.

(03-12-2016, 05:54 AM)fishy Wrote: I wouldn't treat a con attendee that way even if they were literally dealing meth to the other con goers.


(03-12-2016, 11:17 PM)TrueFan Wrote: Wow, after reading that DOA thread I would not want to attend that convention. I can't imagine, as the organizer of an event myself, having security haul someone away on the suspicion of dolls being recasts.

Emphasis is mine. The actions of the "Board" are beyond me, and that fact that they tried to justify their actions with a stilted version of "telephone" (so-and-so-said that so-and-so said) and still haven't issued an overdue public apology means I wouldn't touch that convention with a 100ft pole.

My apologies for dragging this off-topic, but moving back towards the subject of an Atlanta convention, learn from this debacle. Don't treat people like this, ever.
>>>I'm not gone, just really, REALLY busy.<<<
FT: Dolls (updated: 3/7) | FS: BJD Eyes | FS: Accessories | Feedback | Freebie Dress | Freebie Wig
The most I would recommend doing is asking the person to put the suspect dolls away. Unfortunately, the Atlanta convention has the same language: "Anyone that brings one to the convention will be asked to leave should we find out that you have one with you. "
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Apparently I might have been wrong about some of the details of what happened at Resin Rose. :? I just found this:
Just wondering - anyone definitely attending? I'm thinking about it, but it's quite a ways for me.
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
If you come down, I'll go!


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