Daesani & Petra go to the beach
The one day I was in the mood and had the time to do a big cleaning project, the power was off for 5 hours so I had no water Irritated It was already a rare bit of time off with no ticking clock so I took the girls to the beach. I won't whinge about the temperature again except to say it was So Bleeping Cold that by the time I slogged back through the loose sand and wind after 2 hours, I felt like I had needles sticking halfway through my head from my ears. You shouldn't need earmuffs on the flippin first of May!!
Oh well, it did turn out to be worthwhile. They've been waiting for a beach shoot in their Paris fashions wink

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Girl's a rockstar.

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I find weird stuff on the beach sometimes, but it isn't usually useful.

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Why do all my girls seem to be working on album covers...?? LOL

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I'm a bad dolly mom. I break all the rules about dangerous environments. She faceplanted on the rock Oh My By some miracle, she was unscathed.

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These don't work out of context, because what are those vertical things in a picture of the beach?, but I liked their poses, so...

Bonus shot (?): Checking the camera after yet another wind-induced prop-collapse/faceplant, in which I grabbed for Dae and the frame and bonked the camera on the frame and the screen seemed to go black Sweatdrop If that didn't break it, I guess this won't Tongue
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Thanks for looking grin
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Both of them are looking amazing but yep Dae is the star smile she is rocking that bikini. I am so impressed how much work you put in these photos. I love the random items you found.
I have to go on a beach photo shoot smile
They look so cute and right at home on the beach. <3 I love their outfits and I adore Daesani's shades!

How about I trade you my 90+ degree weather for a day for an opportunity to have a beach photoshoot? xD I haven't had the chance to have one since 2011!
stupid weather is right - it's still over 90% humidity here so even with the autumn-ish temps it still feels sticky & YUK !

Ok, I'm back wink The photos are as awesome as always and the big girls look thrilled to have their beach shoot. Daesani is a true rock star. I love the pics with the frame, you never manage to post a boring photo LOL You've got such an eye for it, no wonder so many of the PTFCo are planning their album debuts !
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
I've never taken my dolls outside my garden, and rarely even into the garden. I really admire people who have the courage not only to take dolls into an environment where me being the klutz I am would break them, but also don't mind taking dolls out in public. I'd be hiding behind stuff with them in case someone saw me! sad
I love that empty frame, those photos are so artistic!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
Very pretty photographs! smile I think I like the ones with the window frame the best. smile
I adore Petra's dress! Great photos!

I wanted to do a photo shoot yesterday, but it was cold and rainy. Definitely does not feel like May.
This is such a pretty shot!!
You're very creative with found objects! Daesani has really gotten the modeling poses down. You can't tell its cold out until that last photo with you in it. You look great, but cold.
I love their outfits. They worked well with making the dolls pop. It's always amazing when you go to the beach, river, ect. and can find somthing useful when your taking pictures. Or even things you can use to craft with. Overall though your photos came out lovely.
Thank you so much, everybody grin I couldn't really tell what I was getting on the tiny camera screen so I was pleased that they came out better than I expected. Their outfits are from this seller on French Etsy: https://www.alittlemarket.com/boutique/a...search_tri . She has some cute stuff.

(05-02-2016, 04:40 PM)DeadlyNova Wrote: How about I trade you my 90+ degree weather for a day for an opportunity to have a beach photoshoot?

(05-02-2016, 08:52 PM)rubyperidot Wrote: I've never taken my dolls outside my garden, and rarely even into the garden. I really admire people who have the courage not only to take dolls into an environment where me being the klutz I am would break them, but also don't mind taking dolls out in public. I'd be hiding behind stuff with them in case someone saw me! sad
Well, I kinda do too... I kept looking around to see if anyone else was walking on the beach, as someone had just left that spot. But Sunday night at suppertime is a pretty good time to have the beach to yourself I guess. I don't take them around in public much. It's a small community and I am somewhat self-conscious with them.

(05-02-2016, 05:30 PM)Miss Edith Wrote: I love the pics with the frame, you never manage to post a boring photo LOL You've got such an eye for it, no wonder so many of the PTFCo are planning their album debuts !
Aw, thank you Heart
Boring photo? Haha, challenge accepted; there are occasionally outtakes and this one's kinda lame. LOL

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"Mom, did you break the camera?"
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What fabulous photos and I never would have guessed it was so cold had you not said. And I also am amazed that the dolls are free standing.....I assumed you would have them secretly held with knitting needles (or something of the sort)

And I love the shot with you in too.
see?? certainly different but Daesani's little head popping in from the side and the caption makes it interesting & realistic. The angle looks like you just clicked the camera where it fell & Dae was too curious to resist.

So, nope nope nope. Challenge failed Tongue LOL
Arashi N&B - Rayne N&B - Alfred
(05-04-2016, 06:08 AM)Little mouse Wrote: I also am amazed that the dolls are free standing.....I assumed you would have them secretly held with knitting needles (or something of the sort)
Oh nuts, now I'll have to kill you LOL I forgot the knitting needles, as I only recently started using them (tip from "Dolly Treasures") so they haven't made it onto the "standard items" list like tripod & spare batteries. But I found a stick, which Petra is leaning on. The "footprints" behind her are the holes it made during several posing attempts (and fall-overs; it was windy. Did I mention it was cold??). If I don't get sticks placed behind a leg, then it's Photoshop time blush Daesani is leaning on the frame and the rock.

(05-05-2016, 11:01 AM)Miss Edith Wrote: The angle looks like you just clicked the camera where it fell & Dae was too curious to resist.
So, nope nope nope. Challenge failed Tongue LOL
Haha. Oh well! The shutter has a delay (annoying). This was the "oh crap, is it still working?" part. Tongue
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