Introducing Cherie! (more pix May 8 pg. 3)
What a stunner, congrats on her arrival!
I went through all the pictures and its hard to pick a favourite, but the set with flowers is breathtaking. The yellow flowers compliment her eyes beautifully.
{Home} Principessa - Noir - R.Noir - Neo Noir - Barasuishou x 2 - My Melody - Prunella - Milch - Fanatica - Seila - BRH - Nina - Pinocchio - Kanta - Tiger Lily - Mami Tomoe - Madoka Kaname - Alte - Hatsune Miku - Nahh-ato
Youtsuzu - Tina - ChinaChina - Carol - Pere Noel - Marie Antoinette - Bremen Cat - MIO
Volks: DD Miko & Yukino - MDD DWC01 - Sara - Saki - F-45 - F-48 // Fairyland: F60 Chloe - Rin - Scarlett ~ MNF Soo - Rheia - Celine - Elf Rin - Mio ~ PKF Rin  // Bambicrony:  Marion - Charity // Luts: Vampire Chiwoo // Doll Factory: Conie Unicorn // Latidoll: Lea // Alchemic Labo: Unoa Lusis // Doll In Mind: Larina - Bellosse // Peak's Woods: Sassy Rosy //  Crobidoll: Marisol //  Lillycat: Ninon //
Supiadoll: Ariel // Soom: Ior - Picro - Leepy // Atelier Momoni: Momonita // Shoushou: Nico // Petit Soiree: Madeleine // KanaDoll: Ribbon  // {Waiting} ~Volks Lieselotte ~
Love the flower photos! We need some touches of Spring.
Cherie is so photogenic! Heart
Amelia (Ddalgi) Chelsea (Bloody Red Hood) Willow (Dahlia Cinderella) Cassidy (Neo Noir) Poppy (Kaela)
Thank you guys grin
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Cherie got dressed for a tea party. Our shoot was plagued by sprinkles of rain and I had to put a towel over everyone. It let up after a while. The dolls didn't get too wet but my rear end did LOL

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grin Ship dress! How appropriate. She looks good in it. smile
I love that dress! She is so sweet! Looking forward to seeing even more outdoor photos now that the weather is warming up!
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She looks very very cute in this red dress. I love her smile smile she is adorable
Love the dress, and the matching little bow in her hair smile
That dress looks great on her! Love the forsythias, too. Mine got zapped by the up and down weather for the second year in a row. sad
Just noticed her shoes, too-- awesome ensemble!
Thanks everyone smile
Sorry about your forsythias, CB sad Mine was just late, late, late. The leaves on the trees are just barely beginning to appear. It's been cold & rainy forEVER.
The shoes are from Mimiwoo. The girls don't have a lot of handmade stuff but this dress came from the French version of Etsy, "" ... so they have genuine Paris fashions LOL
Seems like Cherie can look good in just about anything.
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