Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018
Lejays - thank you very much! Chris is a bit picky, isn't he wink

Alliecat - thank you! I think she's just contemplating. The Taeyang is Pluto from Steampunk Eclipse series (same as Aurora) and I call mine Elazar Morgenstern. Before I got him, I wanted to make him Rebecca's (my Aurora) brother and Eteri's (my Eos) boyfriend, but when I saw him and Rebecca next to each other, they instantly became a couple.

Cornflower Blue - thank you!

Day 251

[Image: 283c60ae4dfeff57d29be78bbf49b719.jpg]

As of today, Migraine is my middle name. So another uninspired photo relying on a beautiful doll (she's Pullip Wilhelmina). Man, is she impossible to photograph! Her face gets overexposed before the details on her dress even start to show up, so on black background, her outfit disappears, and on white background, her face disappears.

She's also cursed when it comes to outside photos - I took/was planning to take her out several times now, always to have my plans busted by rain. Hmmm... Now that I think about it, I might actually posses the perfect solution to endangering lack of rain Europe has been suffering from these last years...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by fishy - 05-10-2018, 05:59 AM
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by neon_jellyfish - 09-09-2018, 05:49 AM
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by fishy - 12-29-2018, 04:53 AM
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by Elfy - 12-30-2018, 09:54 AM
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by Elfy - 12-31-2018, 04:01 PM
RE: Neon's A Doll A Day Challenge 2018 - by Elfy - 01-01-2019, 10:07 AM

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