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Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D
Got a few done but boy does this have me inspired LOL

1. A TP Roll
[Image: 49778567542_2fa56ac498.jpg]

2. Something Striped
[Image: 49778237976_5c7d834332.jpg]

3. An Umbrella
[Image: 49778569497_68e709bf8b.jpg]

(I searched my entire house and I can't find my doll sized radio for #4, I know I have one though LOL the search continues tomorrow!) 

5. A Button (Pin on)
[Image: 49778238136_44ed5032a9.jpg]

6. An Interesting Bottle
[Image: 49778569392_360f9a2d3b.jpg]
Looking for: Dal Lucia, Sentimental Noon, Taeyang Richt


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RE: Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!! Please join in and play! :D - by s1dthesqu1d - 04-16-2020, 06:12 AM

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