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Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!!! ...The winners...!!! :D
Before I do the latest round of Scavenger Photos, here's a picture of Evie with our mini screwdriver, it's a phillips head:

[Image: 9cf86dc3cf25f79ff97690abafd13467.jpg]

Now for the Scavenger Hunt:

[Image: 13980aeb3ed791918ac3fb84a0cf9c63.jpg]

Amelia with freshly made bacon...oh wait, that's not what it said, did it?

[Image: a423a1883945ed2ad3d1d54a26255aef.jpg]

Pirate Meredith contemplates world domination with her global map.

[Image: 11b4fa7f3eac8be4b6043af1eba8c135.jpg]

The DC Lil Bombshells purple group. I can't help, but think they're plotting something here.

[Image: df9ba8b2801f45c4ae21de93eb37762d.jpg]

Daisy gardening with her spring loaded secateurs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Quarantine20 Scavenger Hunt!! Please join in and play! :D - by Elfy - 04-19-2020, 05:30 PM

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