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Hahaha, that’s one fat short-legged cow. I thought it was a hippo! That’s a fun beach find. Did it come home with you?
That’s why I called mine “pic a week” – plushies or other figures included.
The colours in this are really nice.
(11-20-2023, 08:08 AM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]That’s a fun beach find. Did it come home with you?

Yes, the cow came home, although perhaps it would have been happier as a free-range beach bovine.

20 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53345777049_435bca33b2.jpg]
Soft Sinky Sand
Is that the kind of sand that is solid when you first step on it but if you stand there and jiggle your feet a bit, it gets sloppy and you sink in...? Looks like different material than our sand though.
Maybe the cow will be happy free-ranging in your big Utah landscape LOL
(11-21-2023, 10:32 AM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]Is that the kind of sand that is solid when you first step on it but if you stand there and jiggle your feet a bit, it gets sloppy and you sink in...?  

It is when it is wet, like when waves are receding.

21 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53349841170_143771f6a6.jpg]
Private Island

22 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53349634753_944a2b7fc9.jpg]
A Cloudy Beach Day is Still a Beach Day!
The Pinkys are so cute. It looks like every day is a beach day.
Fun perspective and cool colours in both.
23 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: 53352311460_f0255dda56.jpg]
"Thank you, but I prefer to buy my own."
24 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: nov24.jpg]
I can't believe I went there


One of the interactive photo-story games on one of the forums... a forum that usually tends to be rather tame... took a somewhat prurient turn, and I am ashamed to admit that I contributed to the crassness by offering an interpretation of the "Big Johnson" gag.

I was hoping to rein things in with a post that was in the spirit but somewhat more obliquely comical than the increasingly direct anatomical references. My effort failed.
25 November - A Doll A Dy 2023:

[Image: 53355428801_31e844b291.jpg]
Low Tide
They always look so cute and happy. I can see why they would be addictive for collectors.
(11-26-2023, 12:31 PM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]I can see why they would be addictive for collectors.

Yes, Pinky Street figures had a large and devoted following... for a while. Being a largely Japanese fad, when the fad ended, it ended abruptly, as fads in Japan tend to do.

And as fads tend to do pretty much everywhere else, I guess.

26 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53357606485_ebaa468a4e.jpg]
Diorama Work-in-Progress

A "relatively simple" work-in-progress dollhouse diorama featuring the Gloria Happy Hour Play Set in 1/6-scale that fits on a shelf in the garage.

I see already that I shall need to fabricate a ceiling cover of some sort. Simple projects rarely remain simple.

Additionally, I neglected to check the camera lens for salt spray, hence the unintentionally diffused (aka blurry) appearance of this snapshot.

26 November - A Doll A Day 2023
27 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

One of my Flickr contacts posted a photo yesterday afternoon of an action figure standing in front of a computer monitor on a messy desk. For laughs, I attempted to emulate his photo by standing one of my own figures in front of a computer monitor displaying an image of his photo.

As it was a rainy afternoon and apparently we both had some time available, this back-and-forth continued through a series of "infinitely regressing" images.

[Image: 53358270073_1eb233c191.jpg]

Similar concept to the "Pullip Train" and other photos-with-a-similar-item topics on the doll forums, only with the actual previous photo in the background.

Silly, but fun.
Haha, that sounds fun. There seems to be quite a lot of interaction on these forums you mention. I miss when Dolly Market had something closer to that slash
Must be fun making the dioramas too. I can't even get time or the space to do the 2 little miniature kits I got ages ago.
(11-28-2023, 12:32 PM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]There seems to be quite a lot of interaction on these forums you mention.  I miss when Dolly Market had something closer to that.
Must be fun making the dioramas too.  I can't even get time or the space to do the 2 little miniature kits I got ages ago.

Some of the interaction is on Flickr. The fun kids to hang out with at Flickr include:

Faith's Phicens & Fashion Royalty:
Gary Menten (sometimes mildly NSFW):
BlondeActionMan (sometimes mildly NSFW):
JF Ryan:
Mayor Paprika aka Paprihaven:

The rest of the Action Figure Interaction™ is spread out among three forums: Action Man Mobile Ops (AMMO), Men With Dolls (MWD), and One Sixth Figures (OSF). There some member overlap among the forums, and a few people who are "exclusive" to one or another of them. Between three action figure forums and two dolly forums (DMF and TDH), I sometimes find it challenging to remember what I posted where and with whom I was carrying on certain conversations.

Time, space, and money, yeah, three major stumbling blocks. The latest pub diorama fits in to a 24 inch / 60 cm space on a storage shelf in the garage.

Here is the latest update to the work-in-progress pub after adding some artificial foliage (Dollar Tree store - YAY!) and quickly stringing some neon EL wire after the mini string lights that I painstakingly built in to the bar stopped working.

[Image: 53362153629_a71c4377e8_c.jpg]

And a reminder: there's plenty of time (not really) for y'all to get your pubs, clubs, bars, taverns, and other social establishments in shape for the upcoming One-Sixth Scale Holiday Pub Crawl!

Errr... you're aware of the Doll & Action Figure Holiday Pub Crawl, right?  Oh My
(11-29-2023, 06:35 AM)davidd Wrote: [ -> ]Between three action figure forums and two dolly forums (DMF and TDH)..., I sometimes find it challenging to remember what I posted where and with whom I was carrying on certain conversations.
*sigh* that's me in real life. I just told you all that in my last e-mail? That was you? ....oops
I already told you about that thing last time I ran into you? ...oops

Anyway, the diorama looks good and already has a sense of atmosphere. I like seeing what you re-purpose, like the fashionable tin can smile
(11-29-2023, 05:18 PM)Alliecat Wrote: [ -> ]I like seeing what you re-purpose, like the fashionable tin can.

One can (!) BUY 1/6-scale storage drums made of plastic online at a somewhat ridiculous cost, or one can scavenge bean tins made of real metal out of the recycle bin for free. If you find ones that have been sitting for a while it's not even necessary to paint on the fake rust! yay

29 November - A Doll A Day 2023:

[Image: 53364402600_2972886017.jpg]
Infinite Regression ad Infinitum
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