New Pics of my Dals
ok i can show you some i just took a few days ago...:-)

i told her, she will not stay like she looks

"what?? you want to change my style?"
[Image: 17472698073525.jpg]

but i can give you fruits allt he time? am I not nice??...
[Image: 17472735751130.jpg]

hmm who knows what she want to do with me?maybe i should sail away if i find a ship that picks me up...
[Image: 17472831903952.jpg]

looking from above...phew...
[Image: 17472652221945.jpg]

nono, dont run away...its nothing serious..i just want to give a little bit different style and other clothes...and we will color your hair and change it a bit...
dont panic...i still love you like you are...

yeah...the football world-cup can begin...
today i chose my styling from the german colors...look isnt it nice? even when you are not german?

[Image: 17502635017368.jpg]
[Image: 17502626105282.jpg]
ha ha!
My feedback:

Join us at the Pullip and Dal Doll Lovers Event in June 2025. The theme is The Secret Garden.
and yesterday i sewed her new dresses, many more will follow...

the strawbeery dress...
[Image: 17522896912323.jpg]

and a bit of retro style
[Image: 17522884005005.jpg]

how do you like them?

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